
    Friday, April 30, 2010

    “Aha! I tricked you into believing you're not good enough..."

    “Aha! I tricked you. I tricked you into believing that you’re not good enough and that you don’t have what it takes to make it. And you fell for it! Aha!!!”

    Doesn’t that sound silly - the idea of someone else tricking you into believing that you are not good enough and that you will never make it? Sounds silly, right?

    How much of what you believe about yourself comes from you? These are beliefs you developed through personal experience through age and maturity and from just knowing yourself – your guiding principles? How much of what you believe about yourself is largely based from what people have told you, cultural and religious beliefs and from other sources other than your own?

    Getting tricked into believing you are something you’re not isn’t so far fetched. I asked 10 female clients during their consultation to answer “Who am I?” 50% responded with “I don’t know” 40% identified themselves to a role and label and only 10% identified to core values and personal attributes. Of the 50% who were unsure of whom they were, 100% were comfortable identifying with a role and label. And 100% - everyone in the study, identified to at least 1 label that wasn’t of their own accord. When asked to answer “why do I believe this about myself” 100% answered, “because that’s what I was told I am.

    Getting tricked into believing something about you isn’t difficult. Any uncertainly or a slight bit of insecurity in your life and the enquiring mind will feel frustrated and confused and will seek an answer. More often than not any answer will satisfy the frustration including the wrong one. And if you are in search of answers you just might believe the wrong thing about who you really are.

    Bruno LoGreco, life coach, toronto mentor & motivational speaker


    Thursday, April 29, 2010

    Personal success resume: Your accomplishments, successes and achievements


    Do you know what your personal and professional accomplishments are? If someone asked you to list your accomplishments at this very moment, would you be able to do that with confidence and without hesitation? Go ahead and list just 10 achievements out for me, right now (though I know you have many more than the 10 you will list).

    If you are anything like the average person, you had a difficult time coming up with 10 of your successes and you may have found yourself to be grasping for anything that came to mind. The reason for this is that you rarely think about your accomplishments. When you do think about them you tend to minimize the value of the success and you minimize the effort, discipline, and work it took to complete your goal and as a result you do not count your success as a success. The end result? You soon forgot about the wonderful things you have achieved and now you find your success list to be quite short.

    While some of you may be aware of your professional accomplishments because you need to keep and update your work resume every now and then, your personal accomplishments, unfortunately, do not get the recognition they deserve. You, as a person, are a complex being and your professional successes are not enough to satisfy your image of yourself. To maximize your level of content, happiness, and accomplishment, you need to feel like a winner in all areas of life.

    So, why not keep a personal resume of your accomplishments? There are many benefits to doing this! The most important is that focusing on your successes will bring about more successes. If you focus on your failures, it will bring you more of the same. Other advantages of success-orientation include:

    1. Increases in your self-esteem and self-confidence
    2. Focus on success encourages you when the going gets tough
    3. Directs you in the direction you want to or need to go
    4. Gives you a sense of pride in yourself
    5. Increases your positive thoughts about yourself (e.g. from “I’m a loser and worthless” to “I’m accomplished and successful)
    6. Having your accomplishments fresh in your mind will make it easier to talk positively about yourself
    7. Focus on success reduces confusion, uncertainty, and unproductiveness
    8. Focus on success gives you confidence to set better and higher goals

    There are numerous benefits to focusing on your past achievements. It is up to YOU to decide what your focal point will be and to TAKE ACTION to live out your decision. That’s your responsibility! Good intentions without actions are useless.

    The easiest way for you to do this is to keep a list of successes in your office and by your bed—you can’t have too many copies of your success list lying around. Having a success list in your office can serve as inspiration and motivation to face problems head on when things get hard. Not only will it boost your confidence and self-esteem levels but you never know when previous achievements might spark a solution to a new problem. Keeping your success list by your bed, makes it possible for you to read the list right before you go to bed and feel awesome about yourself as you fall asleep. This process will develop and nourish your self-esteem, your confidence in your ability to perform, and enhance positive emotions about yourself. These are just some of the key ingredients to more success.

    What are you waiting for? Get out your journal and pen, and create a personal resume for yourself, right now! Don’t forget to update your personal resume as your successes pour in!

    Bruno LoGreco life coach, toronto mentor & motivational speaker

    Ten Powerful and Life Transforming Tips That Will Change Your Life

    Here are ten powerful and life transforming tips that will change your behavior and build upon your success in less than 10 days. Ten simple tips you can implement into your daily routine starting right now. You will only stand to gain from these life transforming tips. You get guaranteed results, greater success and motivation to achieve goals that you once thought were impossible to achieve.

    In the next 10 days you will be able to achieve your goals faster and with conviction. You will see and feel the difference and benefit from the results. You will be inspired like never before. No mountain will be too high for you to climb after you read these life transforming tips.

    10 Powerful and Life Transforming Tips

    1. Foster strengths and acknowledge weaknesses: Create a list of all your strengths. Create another list with all your weaknesses. Give greater focus to tasks that foster your strengths and delegate tasks that play on your weaknesses.

    2. Admit to mistakes: You are human and humans make mistakes. Admit to mistakes as soon as you discover it. Deflecting or lying about it will make you feel bad, and you won't learn from the experience. Don't try to cover it up, lies are difficult to keep up with and difficult on the mind and your self-worth.

    3. Accept criticism: The automatic reaction to criticism is defense. Stop defending and listen for any truth behind the criticism. You can only change what you are aware of.

    4. Embrace change, it's inevitable: Change is everywhere and in every living thing. Life is continual change preceding death. Nothing remains constant in life - change is inevitable. Fear for change will only lead to feeling stuck.

    5. Challenge core-beliefs: Core-beliefs are strongly rooted beliefs that often cannot be substantiated with facts they simply are not true. Core-beliefs will prevent you from trying new things for fear of failure and what you believe it will mean to you. Next time you are about to make a decision based on a core-belief make sure you can substantiate it with facts.

    6. Fear stunts growth: Fear limits your personal growth and distracts you from achieving success. Fear draws upon past frightening and humiliating experiences. It creates illusions of what the future holds based on those experiences. Illusions create fear that will stunt your growth. Recognize fear is only an illusion - its not real.

    7. Patience is a virtue: Patience will make you a better and more successful person. Exercise self-control and forbearance to what you want and success will be achieved. You miss opportunities when you jump to conclusions and make quick decisions in your effort to succeed. Slow down and enjoy the ride because success will take as long as it needs to succeed anyhow.

    8. NOW is all that matters: Life unfolds in the present. When you spend too much time vacillating into the future, or reminiscing about the past, the present time slips away and its gone forever. There isn't anything anyone can do about the past and the only difference you will make for the future is based on what you do this very moment.

    9. Treat yourself first before another: You are useless to those in need if you don't take care of yourself first. Just like on a plane when the oxygen mask is deployed - You put your mask on first before you assist others, or else you will pass-out from the lack of oxygen and you will be useless to anyone in need of help.

    10. Unconditional self-love: Means to love yourself no matter what. Strengths, weaknesses, likes and dislikes. Your confidence and self-esteem will shoot through the roof when you foster strengths and acknowledge your weaknesses, appreciate your likes and find beauty in what you do not like. You can't change who you are so all that is left is for you to love yourself unconditionally.

    Go ahead and see for yourself. See how fast success will be knocking at your door after you implement these 10 easy life transforming tips. You're just days away to a happier and more fulfilled life.

    Bruno LoGreco, life coach, toronto mentor & motivational speaker

    Saturday, April 24, 2010

    "Steve's World" Style By Jury

    Bruno LoGreco life coach, toronto mentor & motivational speaker

    Bruno LoGreco life coach, mentor & motivational speaker

    Thursday, April 22, 2010

    Express the true you

    “Don’t chase anything, just do whatever expresses your true self”

    I haven’t met anyone who hasn’t chased an ideal or lifestyle. The lure of something better is attractive. It could suck anybody up, instantly.

    I am fortunate because my internal radar tells me when I’m chasing something. It sends me warnings, and if I don’t listen it could turn into anxiety. Sometimes I get confused between chasing and following a lead that seems right. I follow leads all the way until I get to the end even if it doesn’t feel right. I have a hard time distinguishing between a “wrong turn” and “giving up.” But then again maybe I’m suppose to take those wrong turns, even when it doesn’t feel right…

    The feeling I get on those rare but intense occasions when a wrong turn turns into a web of wrong turns and I can’t find my way out, it stirs the inside of my soul and spins it upside down. That ‘s what it feels like when I am totally off the beaten path. Unfortunately, it’s also when I realize a core value is in conflict.

    The question I often ask myself when I find myself lost and filled with conflict is: What must I do to make it out of the maze and back onto the right path? STOP, become aware, remember the vision and make it a mission to navigate towards it. Continue to do those things, which are inspiring. Write about them and help improve the lives with articles, e-books, blog, workshops and seminars, and enjoy the rewards that come with it but never chase something that creates a conflict in a core value.

    Bruno LoGreco Life Coach, Toronto Mentor & Motivational Speaker


    Sunday, April 18, 2010

    “Why did I just do that?” Core Values: Life’s Guiding Principles to Moral Conduct

    Are you frustrated and confused about a situation and are being forced to take a decision, which is causing you stress and anxiety? Discover your core values – the value system consisting of morals, ethics, and guiding principles that govern your every move and you will resolve your dilemma with ease!

    Core values are the “why” to how you behave and choose from the choices presented to you in day-to-day life. If you have ever thought to yourself “why did I just do that?” the answer lies beneath the years of acquired experience, moulding, defining and redefining your guiding principles. From the choices you make - right or wrong, to the career path you chose or will choose to take, and the degree of difficulty you can endure when faced with challenges. Core values define you and will also answer, “Why did I just do that?”

    Core values are different and vary from person to person. They are made up from ethics, personal and cultural beliefs, spiritual and ideological views. Environments and experiences also contribute to ones overall moral conduct. Everything combined creates a value system, which most people are unaware of but take decisions and behave based on the rules of this system.

    Ethics are value placed on something, which can represent priority – a level of importance: the degree of effort, the degree of attention, and the right or wrong thing to do in order to live a good and happy life.

    Personal and cultural values are a set of beliefs, which are measurable but only to one’s mind eye - they are subjective. These include internal beliefs: What is good enough, self-limits, integrity, expectations, needs, etc.

    Spiritual and Ideological values are goals, actions, a vision - a personal perspective to life and what is or isn’t common sense. A set of ideas, abstract thoughts, and automatic responses applied to everyday life: family, friendship, profession, politics and spirituality, but applying little to no conscious thought to the response.

    Moral conduct is how you express yourself, right and wrong, in everyday life based on your guiding principles. Your ethics, personal and cultural, spiritual and ideological values determine what these are. And, they can be defined and redefined again and again, with each experience and with wisdom.

    How to identify core values?

    1. Use a life map to discover core values. Think back to when you were in your adolescent years. Pick an age when you started to take action for yourself (e.g., use public transportation for the first time alone, choice of school, first job, any diplomas, certificate, and achievements, recognition, sports teams, etc.). Make a list of experiences and next to each one write the age you were. Continue writing down every experience that you can remember, as you became a young adult (e.g. finished college, career path, partner, major investments, traveling Write down anything that comes to mind, and the age you were for each experience.

    2. Using the life map template, plot each experience into one of the following three categories: success, challenge, and perceived failure.

    4. Download a list of core values. At the bottom of each age coloumn write the top core values you feel align best with those experiences. Review your life map and determine which core values were expressed.

    5. Review the life map and the core values associated to each experience. Transfer the 10 most common core values you feel most align with you to the Top 10 Common Core Values on the template.

    6. Prioritize the top 10 core values. Review each one and become aware of your emotions as you review the list of core values. Become aware of your energy of excitement, happiness, anxiousness, and stress.

    Now, think back to your current dilemma. Perhaps you are frustrated and confused about the situation you’re in because there is a conflict in core values. Maybe you’re struggling with choosing the right or wrong thing to do, maybe it’s a tough decision between family or career, or just maybe you’re struggling with a belief system that doesn’t serve you well and its causing you extreme stress and anxiety.

    Bruno LoGreco Life Coach, Toronto Mentor & Motivational Speaker


    Thursday, April 15, 2010

    The Physical Symptoms of Anxiety and Stress

    Physical symptoms of anxiety and stress are enough to knock anyone out. Do something about it before you are out for the count.

    Anxiety isn't something anyone enjoys. And in some cases it is debilitating. Reduce if not eliminate anxiety when you apply these techniques into your everyday routine.

    Fears, phobias, false beliefs, and procrastination, these are just a few of the culprits, which cause anxiety. The trick to reducing if not eliminating anxiety is by identifying the root cause and changing the belief surrounding it. In many cases anxiety is caused by thoughts and can be treated without medication and with effective life coaching.

    Phobia is an overwhelming feeling of anxiety caused by a fear of a certain situation or thing. It could be activities, animals, social settings, or a confined space. The symptoms are excessive and an unreasonable effort to avoid the situation. Phobias disrupt daily life.

    To overcome phobias one must determine the false belief associated to it. E.g., The Bridge will collapse if I cross it therefore it is unsafe. The image in the mind is very vivid and real. The mind cannot distinguish reality from fiction and when it sees the image - survival is a human instinct so it warns the body of the looming danger – it reacts with anxiety, which is a natural human response. The trick is to replace the negative image with a positive one.

    False Beliefs can also be agreements one has with self about his or her capabilities. The belief has the power to build and destroy self-confidence. Low self-confidence can lead to avoiding experiences for fear of failure. The idea of trying something that poses failure creates an extraordinary amount of stress. It opens the sweat glands and a whirlwind of excuses.

    But these are the lessons, which are invaluable, and needed throughout life. It doesn’t matter if the outcome is a positive one or a negative one because in the end the lessons learned from the experience outweigh any experience, which doesn’t require much thought at all. A positive affirmation to counter any false belief will help to reduce stress.

    Procrastination is putting off or postponing something until sometime in the future. It is a way to not have to deal with the outcome to a particular situation because the image in the mind is a negative one. So the natural human response is to jolt the body with anxiety warning it of the looming danger.

    It is another false belief represented by an image in the mind. The truth to the situation is on the other side. Change the image in the mind and deal with whatever is being avoided, now. Habitual procrastination will turn into guilt.

    Bruno LoGreco Life Coach, Toronto Mentor & Motivational Speaker

    Monday, April 12, 2010

    Do you believe in yourself?


    Wednesday, April 7, 2010

    WTF! I said NO! What part of it don't you understand?

    We all do something or another even when we don’t want to. For whatever reason we just do those things. Maybe it’s an automatic reaction – the need to not disappoint anyone, or something we learned a long time ago and we just live by it. Sometimes it only takes a few seconds and it’s out of the way for now, and other times it takes a few hours and only puts a dent into it. The irony of it is, all while doing whatever it is we don’t want to do we play along and make believe we are happy doing it.

    Those are the things we tolerate in life. We do them because we believe we have to. It is a way to keep the peace – not to stir the pot with friends and family. Or we believe its wrong to speak up and to explain why we don’t want to do it. Perhaps we believe it is disrespectful to say “no.” In the past, saying “no” has lead to major arguments and in the end we were left defending our emotions. So it is easier to just say “yes” and to tolerate it.

    It is those things, which we tolerate, that eventually lead us to resentment. And once resentment sets in we can kiss communication goodbye. Here we become short in our response and feel that they should know exactly why we are upset with them. We expect them to give us an exact response, a validation, or something to acknowledge our effort. And that expectation is never fulfilled. We go on growing increasingly bitterer.

    Why let it get to that point? Why not nip it in the bud - put a stop to it before it gets to that point where all communication breaks down. Simply said, it isn’t worth it. Our emotions will get the better part of us and we will say things we don’t mean in the effort to fulfill our need for validation.

    1. Make a list of things you tolerate in your life. Look into different aspect of your life and become aware of your emotions as you make the list: Relationships, tasks, hobbies, business, responsibilities, job, location, etc.
    2. Observe your emotions as you make the list and assign a numeric value next to each item denoting the level of emotion associated to it. Use a scale from 1 to 5. 5 indicating a high level of emotion.
    3. Review the list and next to each item ask yourself: Can I do less of it?
    • If you answered Yes, start moving away from it
    • If you answered No, ask yourself:
    i. Why not?
    ii. How does it make me feel?
    iii. Is what I am doing my responsibility?
    iv. Whose responsibility is it?
    v. What are the negative consequences if I say no?
    vi. Will life come to an end if I say no?
    Use your knowledge to stop tolerating those things which lead to resentment. Become assertive - there is no need for aggression when you know why you are saying NO to tolerations. In fact, when you know why you are saying NO, that’s all you will ever have to say.

    Bruno LoGreco Life Coach, Toronto Mentor & Motivational Speaker


    Tuesday, April 6, 2010

    Dreams to fruition

    Did you ever reflect upon the past and recognize your achievements? You will be surprised at the amount of achievements you actually have. How much of what you wished for in the past is real in your life today? What about your dreams, did any of them come to fruition?

    As I reflect upon the past and think about my dreams and things I wished for, surprisingly enough most of it has come true. I believe it is the Law Of Attraction at work. I believe we are all creators of our own reality.

    In my early 20’s I dreamed about working in the United States in a global capacity. Later in my 20’s my dream came true. I worked in New Jersey for a major pharmaceutical company in a global capacity. It was exactly what I had wished for. I also entertained the idea of meeting someone special from New York. This was a little far fetched because I seldom traveled to New York, although I’d been traveling to this region most of my life. Coincidentally, my partner does live in New York and we’ve been together 4 years.

    Another desire I had from my 20’s was to one day be able to weight train in the morning without having to run off to work before finishing a full workout. I daydreamed between sets that one day I could finish my workout without the urgency of getting to the office. Today I enjoy this luxury. I still workout first thing in the morning, however, the time I spend at the gym has tripled.

    A childhood dream, that also came to fruition, was to some day be on television. As a child I dreamed of becoming an entertainer. Every weekend I would go through the newspaper specifically the classified section and I’d read if there were any auditions happening. If there were any I would call and schedule an appointment. I would make my father take me. Nothing really panned out then. Fast forward three decades later and here I am on television.

    There has been many more dreams including becoming an entrepreneur. And this is exactly what I am today. And being one has many benefits including creating and pursuing new dreams and aspirations.

    If there is one thing I learned from my journey thus far is, nothing is impossible. Everything I can think about is within reach. It’s just a matter of time before it too becomes reality.

    How about you? Take some time out of your busy day and reflect upon your dreams and wishes. Use a life map to help you identify your achievements.

    What dream are you living today?

    Bruno LoGreco Life Coach, Toronto Mentor & Motivational Speaker


    Ten Powerful Self-Coaching Tips

    By Bruno LoGreco

    Are you living the life of creativity and happiness that you've always dreamed of, or are you allowing your fears or other outside factors to influence you?

    Following the path that your heart's desires requires courage and might require a shift in attitude. There are several methods you can use to act as your own life coach and start working toward the life you dream of.

    Ideas for self-improvement

    You don't need to change every aspect of your life at once in order to improve your attitude and outlook on life. Self-improvement can feel daunting if you try to change everything at once.

    A good way to embark on your journey of self-coaching is to make one change and see what kind of impact it has upon your life. The following tips are designed to help you improve your life and become your own life coach. Try out one of the following tips at a time to positively impact your attitude and daily life.

    1. Find some ‘you' time. Everyone needs time alone to meditate and recharge. You may think you don't have extra time in your day. Start with 10-20 minutes to use for meditation or silent reflection.

    2. Ask yourself what you truly want in life. Are you living your life according to your true dreams and desires? You may be unaware of your desires that lie hidden beneath your surface needs and wants, so take the time to find out.

    3. Write everything down. Even if your thought seems silly, write it down! You may be surprised by the inspiration and ideas you can come up with.

    4. Journal daily, but with a twist. Instead of just writing about today, try writing about yesterday.

    5. Keep track of the "happy moments." Each day has potential for many small moments that bring joy and happiness. If you don't make a special note of them, you may not even recognize the small joys in your day.

    6. Choose one task each night to complete the next day. This way, you have focus, and you accomplish at least one task. Tasking and taxing yourself with effort is important in reaching goals.

    7. Smile when you wake up. Smiling is contagious. By smiling you improve your mood and can potentially improve someone else's day as well.

    8. Give thanks each night. Gratitude will improve your outlook on life and help you see all the good and wonderful moments of your day.

    9. Try something new. A new experience fuels creativity and your enjoyment of the day.

    10. Create at least one memorable moment each day. Make each day unforgettable, even if in a small way!

    Taking the next step with a life coach

    Self-coaching tips are great ideas for helping you improve your life. However, you can take your life to the next level with a life coach and mentor. A professional life coach can help you set goals and help you move forward with your dreams. If you're looking for the right path toward happiness, a life coach can help you discover the path your heart truly desires.

    Want to learn more about self-improvement? Bruno LoGreco is a Life Coach Toronto and mentor. Visit BrunoLoGreco.com and find out how to unleash your potential for success and happiness.

    The Success Indicators on Your Life Path

    Many people seek out a particular goal in their life path and are content when they achieve it. The chance to broaden their horizons or learn new things within an existent structure is not as appealing to them as it is to some others. This is an issue that arises in many individuals because they mistakenly think they have achieved what they wanted to in their lives. The plethora of environmental noise around them begins to infringe upon their goals and forces them to lose sight of what they truly wanted.

    A good way to think of this problem is to envision a large square box. This is not just any box though. Rather, in this case, your box has been divided into three separate, but equally shaped rectangular boxes, all stacked on top of one another. Each of these rectangular boxes is a highly important expression of your life goals -- individual levels of success. Within each of these levels of success is an indicator that tells you how close you are to becoming successful in this area of your life.

    Every area of your life that you identify as a potential path for success can be further divided, containing the many different events and obstacles you will encounter as you strive to reach your goals. Think of each sector of your life as being divided even further, with three new sections within one of the three stacked boxes (sectors). Within each stacked box are three separate sections, divided by dotted lines that make up the life path you will follow. These dotted lines are not the same as the solid lines dividing the sectors -- they are a path that you have envisioned since childhood -- a series of goals and pathways to success that you want to follow.

    As young people, these life paths may not be fully formed. Or they might be crystal clear in our minds--long, straight life paths from the early days of college and adult living to the ultimate goal of success that you have always strived for. You can see exactly what you need to do to reach each success indicator and achieve what you have set out to accomplish. And you probably did just this. After all, your goals as a youth were to be successful in the same way that you saw thousands of others live their lives. You wanted to reach your success indicators and experience the measure of success by which you would measure you life for decades to come.

    However, nothing is ever as simple as we envision it during youth. There are countless factors that interfere with your ability to clearly see those success indicators and life paths to success. These factors, or "Environmental Noise," can be detrimental to even the most focused of individuals. Think of what would happen if you dumped the contents of downtown New York into your box and tried to maintain your focus on those goals. Would you even be able to see your life path anymore?

    Everyone must travel their life path with environmental noise inundating them from all sides. It begins to become cloudy. The dotted lines, our life paths, begin to look like the straight lines and the success indicators start to be confused with any number of different distractions.

    And then something will happen and you will realize that you are in fact nowhere near the original success indicators you set for yourself. Everything has changed and yet you are stuck in a way. You are deep within the center of the middle rectangular box and you have no idea which way to go or how to get back on track. The noise only grows louder and you grow dizzy trying to regain your focus.

    It is in this instant that you must clear the noise and return to the basic, almost instinctive mode of thought you experienced as a child. What did you want from life? Where did you want to go? What do you need to get to that point? What was my life path? All of these questions must be asked without the distractions of the world around you muddying up your thought process. When you can revert to a very simple perspective of the world and only spend time thinking of what you want from life, you can be that much more successful.

    You can succeed in life despite the environmental noise, cruising down your life paths and moving through your rectangles with ease, but oftentimes you need a helping hand to clear away the noise and look at life with fresh eyes. There is nothing wrong with asking for help to weed out these distractions and remove the clutter from your life sectors with a professional life coach.

    Is your life path inundated with environmental noise? Learn how you can lift the noise and begin reestablishing your success indicators today. Visit www.brunologreco.com a Life Coach Toronto today.


    Top 10 Benefits to Journaling

    By Bruno Logreco

    There are countless reasons to maintaining a journal. The top ten benefits of journaling may differ from person to person. However, there seems to be general themes that are attractive in the collective unconscious. Many people are looking to daily entries of their personal experiences to reap some of the following rewards.

    Maintaining a journal is a natural way to exercise the brain. People who make regular entries are taking time to develop writing and communication skills that are very valuable in everyday interactions. This mental exercise also helps to allow your thoughts to flow freely.

    Creativity is a second benefit to consider. This is an important aspect of journaling. The right hemisphere of the brain is associated with visual, imaginative and intuitive facets of thought. When you take time to write, you free the right hemisphere. The ideal entry will be one that puts the inner editor on hold. Thoughts and ideas should flow freely and naturally.

    The uninhibited nature of this form of writing serves a third benefit of developing self awareness. People often create different faces to meet various circumstances. We tend to recreate in distinct situations including the work environment, the community and even when at home.

    The process of keeping a journal helps you recognize the various aspects of your unique personality. The growing self awareness is a powerful force that can lead to even greater benefits in the future. Gaining insight into the self is among the most important aspects to maintaining a journal.

    The fourth benefit is the ability to set priorities. Once you get a grasp on the thoughts and emotions that are filtered through your personal experience, you begin to gain control of them. The process eventually leads to a greater understanding of what is and what is not important.

    The ability to re-see the past is another great benefit of keeping a journal. The pages can be revisited with a fresh perspective. It can be very surprising how much your understanding of an event changes over a relatively short period of time. Some writers find great moments of epiphany when rethinking and rereading entries.

    Journaling is a fantastic problem-solving resource. The approach of using entries to come up with various solutions to troubles is a little different than approaches for self awareness and growth. Many people choose temporary brainstorming techniques that serve to give viable solutions to problems.

    The seventh benefit of journaling is variety. You can choose what kind of entries you want to make. Common choices include brainstorming sessions, automatic writing and reflective notes. Personal journal entries can be made upon inspiration, when you first wake or right before you fall asleep. Some choose to do a combination of these.

    Purging is the eighth benefit to this practice. Many people find it helpful to place negative thoughts and feelings down on paper. Once the negative energy is placed on the page, they are free to let it go. This practice also works well when dealing with anger towards another individual. Purge the negativity and work towards a constructive approach.

    The ability to communicate with others is another benefit of keeping a journal. Those who work with life coaches can find a wealth of resources for sessions. Journaling can help you tap into your fears and dreams, helping your coach gain insight through entries that you choose to share.

    The tenth benefit is improvement in your overall health. Journaling reduces stress. It provides time for you to meditate. The process helps to make the positive forces in your life surface and it helps to bring the harmful elements into light. The result of personal journaling is a new perspective on how you can take control of many aspects of your life.

    Want to learn how online journaling can help you reach goals and problem solve? Learn more about life coach Toronto at brunologreco.com and journaling at iijournal.

    Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Bruno_Logreco