
    Monday, December 13, 2010

    Life Path

    Your life path can change within a moment. All that is needed is a new perspective, a new vision, a different mindset than you're used to seeing. When you can accept this simple idea your life path will change. New doors will open and a new journey will begin.

    Bruno LoGreco toronto life coach, author & motivational speaker


    Wednesday, December 8, 2010

    Stuck inside a box

    Are you stuck inside a box, too afraid of trying something different - Afraid of being judged or perhaps failing and not living up to "someone's" expectations?

    Break down the box! Take a chance and try something new and different. If you stay in your current box for much longer you will eventually create another box and that box is a very lonely and depressing one and will consume your thoughts.

    The reality is when you become afraid to leave the comfort of your box you are actually giving up your control. Whoever or whatever created those self-defeating false beliefs is what is keeping you stuck inside the box, and still has power over you.

    New experiences are the key, which unlock doors leading to self-identity. It's actually part of our natural psychosocial developmental process. What happens when we fail to continue to develop and stop the natural process? We create internal conflict - that’s what happens. Internal conflict is the foundation to the second box - a state of mind deep in thought, reliving almost every negative past experience. That's torturous for the soul because it experiences the emotions all over again as if the experience were happening at this moment.

    The mind cannot discern real from fiction. Stimulus is stimulus and the mind has no way of knowing the difference. Imagine reliving all those negative past experiences all day long with nothing else for the mind to see. Yes, physically you are here but mentally and emotionally you are in a state of dualism far away from reality.

    By taking chances and by creating new experiences you allow the mind to continue the natural process of development, which by the way never ends. In each developmental stage you must meet the criteria or you might have difficulties fulfilling the criteria for the next stage. By giving up control and fearing new experiences it stops you from learning what you need so you could be successful in life. Long-term avoidance of this natural need will deepen your internal conflict and stump you from achieving true success.

    Challenge your beliefs, take back control and break down the box. Those are the benefits you get from living life full of experiences.

    Free yourself from dualism. Enjoy the moment! You have nothing to lose except for the box...

    Bruno LoGreco master life coach toronto, author & motivational speaker


    Sunday, November 28, 2010

    Hurry hurry run run there's no time for this

    A few summers ago I was driving home alone from New York. I was driving on Interstate-90, next to the St. Lawrence River. It’s a beautiful drive – very picturesque in spots. Hillsides lined with trees along the River. In the car I was listening to “Slowly” by Macy Gray.

    Would it be so bad if we just stopped for a while
    And enjoyed the thrills we could all be still let the world just pass us by
    But it's all hurry hurry run run there's no time for this
    We want more and more got to win got to score so afraid of what we'll miss
    And it moves so fast
    Nothing lasts

    A culmination of the song and scenery awakened me to a new level of awareness. Suddenly everything moved in slow motion. Me, the car and everything else became part of the picture. In one eye fixation I processed a panoramic view of the landscape. It was incredible. Everything was so crisp, so vivid and rich in color.

    What I took away from that drive was a tool to help my life coaching clients and me slow down and to enjoy the moment. When you are in the moment taking in everything with clarity, that’s when real opportunities present themselves. That’s when you could see things you wouldn’t otherwise see.

    But, life does take over and just like anything else you learn, if you don’t practice it you lose it – its natural. However, with awareness not only do you need to constantly practice it you need to continue to learn how to apply it to all facets of life – and that’s a lifelong journey.

    This morning I learned something new about myself. Something I didn’t know I had until it happened again. Without any distractions (and this is why I am a morning person) I caught myself in a similar state of mind moving in slow motion and voila! I became aware of something new. It is the missing link to the next step in my career and now I have it…

    I’m blessed and grateful. Thank you!

    Bruno LoGreco life coach toronto, author & motivational speaker


    Tuesday, November 23, 2010

    Stress management: What is stressing you out?

    By Ivana Pejakovic

    Dealing with your stress can be easy enough... once you realize what is stressing you out, that is. Our lives are full of activities, duties, and responsibilities. It is full of things making you rush, hurry, and hustle and bustle. Life, however, does not need to be like this. If you put a filter on what you will accept to be a part of your life, you avoid many of the unnecessary stressors that are destroying the quality of your life.

    Often times we take on responsibility for things we have to, for things we do not want to do, for things we feel that we need to do, and for things we can’t do. If you want to reduce the level of stress in your life, you must carefully choose what you will commit yourself to.

    The key to managing stress is taking charge of your life. The first step is to realize which activities in your life are unnecessary and bring you strain. Although you may not be able to eliminate all of them, you are certainly able to reduce and remove the ones that you do not need in your life.

    To help you identify your stressors, start keeping a list of things in life that make you angry, stressed, and anxious or produce any sort of negative feelings within you. Rate each item on your list from 1 to 10 in terms of how stressful you find it. This will give you an idea of the top stressors you are facing.

    Identifying the activities that are stressing you out, however, may be easier than trying to eliminate them. You may find yourself in a situation where you’re taking care of your immediate family and your parents, you’re juggling a full-time career (or maybe 2 part-time jobs), taking care of your home and pets, in addition to trying to maintain a relationship with your partner, kids, family, and friends.

    In fact, you may just say that nothing in your life can be cut out. Maybe.

    Review your stress list and decide on which responsibilities you can delegate to your family members. Ask your partner to pick up the groceries (provide a list if needed) and ask your kids to help clean up around the house, do the laundry and walk the dog. Enforce a rule where everyone needs to clean up after themselves.

    See what activities in your life can be avoided all together (there must be at least 2 on that list) and which ones can be reduced. If you don’t know how to distinguish between the important activities and the not so important ones, pay attention to which ones must be done and which ones you feel should be done. Get rid of any of the ‘should do activities’ and focus on the ‘must do activities.’

    Don’t forget to say ‘No’ when your schedule is already full. If you have a hard time saying now to your loved ones, see if you can trade off. Maybe they can help you with one of your activities as you help them with theirs.

    Dealing with stress can be as easy as filtering through the activities that you need to do and activities others can help you with. Do not be afraid or ashamed to ask others to do their share. Once you share the responsibilities you will reduce the amount of stress you’re facing.

    Bruno LoGreco life coach toronto, author and motivational speaker


    Domestic Violence

    www.blogtalkradio.com/janettesmithonline Tuesday November 23rd, 2010 @ 4pm CST

    Thursday, November 18, 2010

    Christmas Shopping Stress No More!

    By Ivana Pejakovic

    One of the biggest causes of stress over the Christmas season is gift shopping. Over the years we have started competing to see who can buy the biggest and most expensive gifts. It would appear that sentimentality is no longer necessary in our society. The most memorable gifts, however, have always been and continue to be personalized and free of charge.

    While store bought gifts are an easy way out, I recommend you put on your creative hat and show those most important to you how much you care in your own way. Your gift idea will be unique, sentimental, and is bound to score you some extra points with your partner, children, friends or boss. So, use the time you would normally be stuck in long line ups and start working on what your loved ones will truly cherish.

    Tips for personalized Christmas gifts this year:

    1. Create a scrapbook or personalized calendar from existing family photos and materials.
    2. Create a coupon booklet. Use your creative skills to make it visually appealing. Your coupons can include things such as your participation in an activity the gift recipient likes to engage in or signing up for a sport together. The type of services you offer will depend on who you are giving this gift to.
    3. If your family or friends are interested in personal development, create a booklet with articles of their interest and integrate pages with positive/ encouraging words and images (e.g., goal settings, core values, and behavioural awareness).
    4. Give someone the gift of your time by hanging out with them and opening up the lines of communication.
    5. Create a family newsletter to be distributed to all family members. You can interview each family member you plan on including in the newsletter and write a short blurb on what’s going on with them, what their hopes and dreams are, their New Year’s resolutions, worries/concerns, values, etc. Don’t forget to include a short bio too.

    Bruno LoGreco, life coach toronto, author & motivational speaker


    Wednesday, November 17, 2010

    Did you know...

    if you hear something enough times you begin to believe it?

    How many times were you labeled “lazy” or “procrastinator”, how about “dumb ass” or “stupid?” What else might you have been labeled in the past? Take a moment and write down some of those labels onto a piece of paper.

    What do you believe about yourself - When you doubt yourself and don’t feel confident in your abilities; when you believe failure is on the horizon and that you’ll be judged for it. What words come to mind? Take a moment and write them down.

    Compare the two lists. Did you carry those labels forward to the present?

    Are those the same labels stopping you from pursuing a different kind of life - The life you thought you should be living instead of the one you are living?

    Challenge Your Beliefs
    Take Back Control
    Break Down The Box

    Tri-Commitment to Success
    by Bruno LoGreco Life Coach, Toronto


    Tuesday, November 16, 2010

    Perfectionist, The Ultimate Procrastinator

    Are you a perfectionist? Someone who cannot tolerate errors and will go the extra mile to ensure whatever you are working on is perfect?

    If you answered ‘Yes’ to the question above, I bet that you also procrastinate. Meaning you spend more time and energy on useless tasks instead of the real important ones. Lets face it useless tasks provide you with a sense of satisfaction – a reward because you can finish them, but those other tasks they take longer and will require much more of your time and energy to achieve, and there is a slight chance you might fail at it, so what’s the point you might think - Right?

    Excuse after excuse you find a reason not to tackle those important things, busying yourself with useless tasks that provide you with instant gratification. However, did you notice those important tasks never went away? There still there waiting for you aren’t they? And if you continue putting them off you will eventually start to feel anxious at the thought of them. You might even be feeling a bit anxious at this very moment. Just be careful not to spend more time than necessary on useless tasks because the really important ones, they never go away.

    I also bet that if you had the right tool you wouldn’t be such a procrastinator.

    Here’s my 3-step ACT formula to help you overcome procrastination:

    1. Acknowledge - What is the project?
    2. Accept - It will require your time, energy, patience and commitment.
    3. Identify - What is the effort, what must I do?
    Don’t wait another moment do it NOW...

    Bruno LoGreco life coach toronto, author & keynote speaker


    Monday, November 15, 2010

    Mind-Body-Soul - A Fine Balancing Act

    According to a 2008 survey released by Canadian Community Health, 53% of adult women and 51% of adult men are not active during their leisure time, if they take any leisure time at all. “There simply isn’t any time left to fit everything into a day”, said Eva Lahman, entrepreneur, wife and mother of two. “I struggle everyday trying to accomplish everything I must do to be successful in business and to take care of my family... Read More

    Sunday, November 14, 2010

    Who cares? People will judge you anyhow

    You guys have been great and I appreciate everyone who stops by and takes a moment to read this blog. I know that some of you have been following me since I started down this journey back in 2006, when my writing skills were horrid, but you didn’t care. You were interested in the message rather than my writing skills. I am grateful you stuck with me and continued to come back to read more.

    Even though I knew my writing skills were piss poor it did not stop me from writing weblogs, articles, e-books, books and more. I didn’t care how poor my skills were I wanted to share my ideas with you and the only way I could do that is by writing it, or I could have paid someone to write it for me. I’m not sure that would have been feasible as the new life coach on the block.
    At first I was apprehensive. I was nervous about publishing my thoughts for the world to read because similar to you I was also afraid of being judged. But I knew the only way I would become successful as a life coach and author, and to get to that place I dreamed of, I would need to put it all out there. All of it for everyone to read and to be judged by. So I had to take a decision. Put it all out there for everyone to read, or regret it later when I think back to what I could have been.

    Okay, so I’m still not the greatest writer and forget about grammar, but I really don’t care. I’m still learning to write and because it’s not a natural strength of mine I might be learning to write for the rest of my life, and that’s okay too. That’s what editors are for. My weakness is their strength. How perfect!

    If you have a dream, something you always wanted for yourself but are too afraid to go after it because of what people might say and think, I have news for you. People will say and think exactly what you believe they will because that’s just the way negative people think. And there are lots of them in this world. Ask yourself, Do these people contribute to my growth? If you answered NO, then who cares – Put it all out there.

    You should also know that the only people who will judge you are those who are insecure themselves. For example, the only people who ever judged me for my poor writing skills were those who were insecure themselves about their own skills. What’s funny is their still vacillating about their skills doing the same thing they were 4 years ago while I’ve moved on and had the opportunity to work on 2 television shows, one of which is a hit series syndicated in 42 countries, a national spokesperson and in development of a docu-series.

    When we allow ourselves to become vulnerable, to take chances, and to risk our pride, that is when we find our own glory.~Richard Corman

    Bruno LoGreco life coach toronto, author and motivational speaker


    Thursday, November 11, 2010

    Do you need holiday stress tips?

    I bet the level of stress in your life is mounting right about now. Take it from me, you need to slow down and take a breath. With just a little bit of planning and some time management, you will feel less stressed and more effective while making time for yourself to enjoy the holiday season.

    If you are one of those people who believes giving is better than receiving and does a thousand times more for everyone else and nothing for yourself because you think there just isn’t enough time left for, you might want to find time for yourself before January or you won’t have much left to give to others except animosity and anger.

    Take a breath and slow down this holiday season. Here are 5 holiday stress tips that will help you do just that.

    • Meditate – Clear the path to the mind and gain clarity to remain calm and focused, during the holiday season. Find a quiet place in your home or at work. Begin with a 5-minute breathing technique, listening to your own breath, and work your way up to 20-minutes. Bring a stopwatch with you if you feel anxious. Let it tell you when time is up rather than looking at your watch.
    • Plan ahead – Make a list of everything you need to accomplish this holiday season: menu, gifts, baking, Christmas cards, events, etc., anything that requires your time and energy. Write it down on a piece of paper.
    • Take Inventory – When you have a clear picture of your day-to-day responsibilities along with the amount of effort it will require you to accomplish the task, you are able to manage your time more effectively. And one of the benefits of time management is lower amount of stress because you make more time to do other things.
    • Schedule – Clearing the mind, planning ahead and taking inventory makes scheduling a breeze. Now that you know everything that is causing you stress this holiday season get it out of your head and schedule it into your calendar. You’ll be surprised at how much time is left for you.
    • Me Time – That’s right “me time” The holiday season is all about giving but if all you do is give –give, and give, you’ll eventually run out of things to give. So now that you do have time in your calendar, because you followed my holiday stress tips, schedule some “me time” and enjoy the holidays.
    Bruno LoGreco life coach toronto, author & motivational speaker


    Wednesday, November 10, 2010

    You screw up one time, you miss one session, you fall off the wagon and you are out!

    I meet all kinds of men and women from different walks of life. They come here hoping that I have the ability to help them find happiness in life. For most people, I can turn their hope into reality. I can help almost anyone overcome whatever behavioral issue they are suffering from except for addictions. Additions are not my area of expertise.

    Several months ago I met with a very unique young woman. Someone extremely special in her life scheduled a consultation on her behalf. The first time I laid eyes on her, I’ll admit, I was skeptical and unsure if I could affect change in her. She’d been in trouble with the law, diagnosed with several mental disorders and was an addict to boot. More than I was prepared to work with.

    The consultation did not last very long, in fact less than 30 minutes. Toward the end of the meeting after bombarding her with dozens of questions I decided that she wasn’t a good candidate for my life coaching program. Right before I was about to deliver my decision to her, she broke down and started to cry. She looked up at me with her teary blue eyes and in a state of vulnerability and said, “please help me." My heart sank. For the first time in the 30 minutes that we were together, I had finally felt her energy. It was a light, tingling sensation followed by warmth. It was an odd sensation, it led me to say, “This is the way it’s going to work. You screw up one time, you miss one session, you fall off the wagon and you are out. You must agree to and commit yourself to a rehabilitation program, and you must be enrolled before we can begin. Do I make myself clear?” She looked at me and said, "I promise, I will do whatever it takes."

    Did she have any relapses? Yes. Did I expect her to be perfect? No. Did she prove me wrong? Absolutely.

    We are now into month #3 of her life coaching program. She has secured a job. Has become an active member of society. The relationship with her parents has improved tremendously and she is on a path to success. But the most incredible aspect of this story is deep down inside of this unique, incredibly talented, determined soul is a voice so spectacular it will send shivers down your spine.

    I am so proud and honoured to have the opportunity to work with such a person. I can't wait for the world to meet her.

    Bruno LoGreco life coach toronto, author & television personality


    Holiday Season Stress Buster and Confidence Builder

    It’s that time of year again when family and friends gather to share experiences and to celebrate the festive season. It is also that time of year stress and anxiety shoots up and goes through the roof for many people.

    We all have in-laws and extended family that believe they know better. It doesn‘t matter if they don’t have any experience or knowledge in the subject matter being discussed, they insist on being right and you wrong regardless of any experience and knowledge that you might have. And the funny thing about it all is, even if you did produce facts to support your position they will still disagree with you.

    Mother Theresa once said, “When you are confident in you and what you speak of, it won’t matter what anyone else says or does, you won’t bat an eyelash.

    Here are 5 tips to help you develop confidence for this holiday season.

    • Know who you are – Spend some time reflecting upon the past 5 years. Make a list of successes and zero in on your strengths.
    • Positive Affirmation – Write 3 positive things about yourself. Use values and adjectives that describe your natural characteristics.
    • Put yourself first – It doesn’t mean you are being selfish it means you are an equal to everyone else.
    • Say “no” – You can say “no” to anything being asked of you. Take a stance and have a position. Nobody will be able to argue with it.
    • Silence is golden – You can’t control what comes out of anyone’s mouth but you can control what comes out of yours and you don’t need to respond to any comment if you don’t feel you need to.

    Bruno LoGreco life coach toronto, author & motivational speaker


    Tuesday, November 9, 2010

    There's No Help For You...

    What would you do if you went to a therapist for help and after a few sessions he says to you, “There is no help for you, there isn’t anything anyone could do for you to help you with your problems. You are on your own.” What would you do if your therapist said that to you?

    That’s exactly what happened to Sonia. Sonia poured her heart and soul into telling her therapist everything that had happened throughout life to her. She hoped and preyed to find someone who would understand and could help her, but she had no such luck with this therapist. Could you imagine how she felt at that moment? She walked away feeling crushed.

    Oh my God! A professional just told me there’s no help for me. They were right – all of them. I am a crazy, loud woman. I’m useless.
    Can you blame her for wanting to sabotage her life? She believed there was no possibility for help. How does she go about finding a better life after someone who’s supposed to be able to help her says there is no hope for her?

    Even after the hard blow to her soul, Sonia didn’t give-up. Deep down inside she knew she wasn’t crazy. She knew she had much to offer the world, so she turned to her family doctor.

    By this time her anxiety was through the roof. Can you blame her? Imagine having to prove yourself for 40+ years. Giving up on your dreams doing everything for everyone else, which goes unappreciated. And whenever someone does notice anything it’s never good enough. I don’t know about you but my anxiety would be through the roof, too. So the doctor prescribed her medication. The meds were to help her cope with the anxiety.

    Then one day she remembered watching an episode of Style By Jury with expert life coach Bruno LoGreco. She ran to the computer and googled ‘life coach toronto’ and sure enough the first life coach on the search is Master Life Coach Bruno LoGreco.

    It has been 6 weeks since I first met Sonia. Her life isn’t the same anymore. She’s a much calmer person today who makes wiser decisions. She is in the process of letting go much of her 40+ years so that she can make room for new experiences. Her relationships have improved, but the biggest improvement she’s made thus far is she now has self-respect. She’s not worried about other people controlling her life anymore. She’s reclaimed her control and is breaking down the box.

    Sonia is an inspiration and I cannot wait until you meet her. She truly is an inspiration.

    Bruno LoGreco Life Coach, Author & Motivational Speaker

    Monday, November 8, 2010

    Master Your Domain - Fulfill Your Personal Needs - Live Your Dreams

    Tri-Commitment to Success is finally here. It has taken me many years to produce what I feel is the best personal development workshop in the industry. I have taken the best tools, which I’ve been using in my life coaching practice since I first started coaching professionally.

    Before I was a professional life coach I was a business coach. In my last corporate job before I became an entrepreneur I worked for a Fortune 500 Pharmaceutical company. There I coached employees to become more effective in their role. Even if I knew they were in the wrong role. My job was to help them improve their skill set so they can function at a higher capacity, regardless of their strengths and weaknesses.

    With both professional and personal coaching experience I was able to take the best of the best and create a solid program to help men and women from all walks of life see what they alone cannot see.

    I believe knowledge is power, and when you can see reality right before your eyes, you take different decisions - choices you did not believe were available to you. And once you can see what you were once blind to your life will take on a whole new meaning.

    And that is what Tri-Commitment to Success is about, 3 steps for you to become the Master of Your Domain, Fulfill Your Personal Needs and Live Your Dreams.

    I hope you will join me on this incredible journey of self-discovery.

    Bruno LoGreco Life Coach Toronto, Author & Television Personality


    Tuesday, November 2, 2010

    Screw Ups- How to Handle Them! (YES, I share one of my on-air wrecks!) [HD]


    Kathryn Bechthold: Biz or Bust

    I have to admit, as an entrepreneur, wife, mother and big picture thinker, my life is not always in balance. In fact, lately, I have been totally out of whack. I have been behind on a deadline, my husband and I have barely been able to throw out a quick hello in between work and kid stuff and my kids have been sick – not to mention... Read More

    Thursday, October 28, 2010

    Our passions are hidden amongst untraveled terrain

    A challenge developed to help my clients reinforce core values, was a challenge that in the end strengthened my own belief about the significance of traveling foreign terrain... Read More

    Friday, October 22, 2010

    The Master Of Your Domain

    Becoming a professional life coach was the best thing I ever did. My job is highly rewarding. No other job gives you the satisfaction and the sense of accomplishment that life coaches get after an enlightening session. When a client leaves with a smile on her face and with her body language screaming, “Life will never be the same”, you know you are in the right profession. What other job do you know of which could give you that level of satisfaction?

    A few weeks ago I implemented a new challenge into my U-Turn Life Coaching program. The challenge is designed to reinforce core values, overcome fear, and to prove anything is possible if you take one step at a time. The challenge proved to be extremely effective and successful. I witnessed lives change right before my eyes. It was incredible to see mindsets plagued by years of negative experiences dissolve, and replaced with renewed hope and dreams.

    Witnessing those experiences only makes me want to create more for myself. So now I am onto my next challenge. I am challenging myself to raise the bar. Just as I tell coachees, “be true to yourself, you already know who you are. Look them in the eye and show them you are the Master of Your Own Domain.” Well the time has come for me to bump it up a notch and to really master my domain.

    I have a vision of what could be. A stage in the middle of a football field with thousands of onlookers getting inspired and motivated. I hear loud applauds, chants and laughter. I am in the zone and this is the place to be. Right now its just a dream but I know if I take one step at a time I will get closer and closer to the dream and one day I will realize it.

    My first step is launching: Tri-Commitment to Success. It’s the workshop I designed to help men and woman from all walks of life to take the first step.

    Bruno LoGreco Professional Life Coach, Author & Motivational Speaker


    Thursday, October 14, 2010

    Walking 6 to 9 Miles a Week May Help Save Memory

    Walking about six miles a week appears to protect against brain shrinkage in old age, which in turn helps stem the onset of memory problems and cognitive decline, new research reveals... continue reading

    Tuesday, October 12, 2010

    Overcoming Fear with Life Coach Bruno LoGreco

    Bruno LoGreco, toronto life coach & mentor


    Monday, October 11, 2010

    How to brand a disease -- and sell a cure

    I have a cure too its called "REALITY" side effects - None

    If you want to understand the way prescription drugs are marketed today, have a look at the 1928 book, "Propaganda," by Edward Bernays, the father of public relations in America... Read more


    Saturday, October 9, 2010

    Spying on Teacher


    I Did It - I Overcame My Fear of Heights

    I did it. I climbed a 4-story wall. It was nerving to say the least but I successfully climbed all the way to the top without chickening-out. YIPEEE!

    About a month ago Ivana our Teen Coach & Research Director, and me, took belaying lessons. We hired an instructor to teach us how to put on a harness, tie knots and figure 8’s, and everything else we must know to keep everyone safe. After learning the safety rules of rock climbing it was time to climb. The first wall we climbed wasn’t all that high – 12 feet at best. It wasn’t difficult. But then we moved over to a very tall wall, 4-stories high. I climbed half way to the top when suddenly I began to sweat. And not just ordinary common sweat – I sweat profusely. There was no way I was climbing to the top – not that day. So I asked to be lowered back down to the ground.

    One month later and after a few self-coaching techniques designed to help me overcome my fear of heights I was back on that very same wall. Half way up the wall and again I wanted to climb back down to safety.“NO”, I said to myself, “you’re a life coach, you can do it.” I stopped and gathered my thoughts and asked myself, “What would you tell your clients to do if they wanted to come back down?” I’d say, “take one step at a time. Don’t look up and don’t look down. Keep your eyes glued in front of you. You can do it.” So I mustered all the courage I could find and took my own advice. One step at a time I finally climbed all theway to the top of the wall. I DID IT!!

    Every single person successfully climbed the wall yesterday without a problem. Some of my clients climbed multiple times and went on to climb even more challenging walls. As for myself, I climbed the wall a total of 7 times by the time the day was over. And with each climb it did get easier and easier just like anything else in life, which is difficult at first. A little bit of experience and practice makes everything easy.

    What are you afraid of that you would like to overcome?

    Happy Thanksgiving!!

    Bruno LoGreco, Toronto Life Coach, Author & Keynote Speaker


    Friday, October 8, 2010

    Giving is Receiving: Goods Deeds are Good for You

    by Bruno LoGreco


    Overcoming Fear For Heights

    Many of us experience fear and only a hand full of us actually does something with it.

    Fear is simply an illusion. It’s an image we have in our mind of the worst case scenario that hasn’t happened. The image is based on past experiences or even hearsay – someone’s opinion that stuck in our mind. It’s an irrational thought of something happening that could harm, embarrass or ruin our image. And so we dare not attempt it for the fear for what could happen.

    I’ve always had a fear for heights. A few years ago I had to learn a method to overcome my fear for heights. At one point in my life bridges scared the crap out of me. It was a serious problem because I drive cross boarder so I had to overcome my fear. However, climbing walls, 4 stories high isn’t something I’ve learned to overcome yet. But today I will need to do just that – overcome my fear for heights once again.

    Today we’re going rock climbing with clients who are at the end of their life coaching program. I developed a technique to help clients reinforce their core values, but it involves climbing tall walls. So before I make clients climb the wall, I need to be able to lead by example and climb it first.

    Just in case a few of us are afraid and cannot climb the wall to the top on the first attempt, I am prepared with a few techniques to recondition what we see within our mind.

    Come back tomorrow to check out some of the pictures from today’s rock climbing event.
    Bruno LoGreco Master Life Coach Toronto


    Wednesday, October 6, 2010

    Blunder what? Letting it go and leaving it here... You too Anxiety

    Guess whose back? I got the writing bug again. I drifted into facebook world, writing a blurb everyday for my status update. It was quicker than writing a blog, which could take me a few hours and sometimes days to write. But I miss it. I miss writing whatever comes to my mind. I miss writing about nothing. All the articles I do write these days are about something and not for use on this blog. So HERE I am.

    For my return post I do want to write about nothing, just a brain dump of everything that has happened over the past few weeks. Wait until I tell you about my big blunder. I screwed up again. I made a mistake - the same mistake I made 3 years ago. But I'll come back to that in a little bit.

    I spent the end of September and the first few days into October in New York. While I was there I experienced EXTREME anxiety for the first time in my life. On a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being severe - my anxiety was at level 10 for 7 consecutive days 24 hours around the clock. All I felt is anxiety. It was horrible. I hated every minute of it. But I learned many things while it was happening.

    Here is a list of things I did to overcome my severe anxiety.

    1. Can I say “hypertension” that’s what I thought when I felt the stress in my muscles. I tried to relax them for as long as I was conscious of it by letting go.
    2. A nice distraction also works. I ran my hands under warm water. I became aware of the warmth of the water and the sensation as it runs down my fingers.
    3. A jolt to the immune system makes me feel good. Oddly enough I didn't feel any anxiety when I worked out - Not with weights and not when I did cardio.
    4. Breathing does the body good. Oh yes it does. The single - double - triple breathing technique works miracles. Take five single breaths nice and deep. Followed by five double breaths (without exhaling the first one). And lastly five triple breaths (without exhaling the first two). Repeat 3 times. Try it for yourself. It really works miracles.
    5. The journal trick is my favorite. I opened my journal and wrote down everything I was thinking and why I was feeling so anxious. I wrote down a few experiences I thought were the culprits along with any lesson I may have learned from it, and a solution if required.

    Now that I am back in Toronto and I'm anxiety free once again. And no, being in New York did not contribute to my anxiety. Rather it was an event I attended two weeks ago that heightened it to the extreme. I tried to memorize content. I didn't mean to but I guess I got carried away. When it came time for me to speak nothing I wanted to say came out of my mouth, "BLAAAAAAAAA."

    I can’t count how many times I've said, "Speak from the heart you know the material its what you do everyday."

    Sometimes we are our own worst critics. We punish ourselves relentlessly for our performance. But we fail to realize is that life is subjective and everyone’s experience is different. I know it wasn’t great but it wasn’t a complete disaster either as much as my imagination wants to take it there.

    It was just a blimp in time, a single experience that doesn’t define me, and now I am leaving it right here where it belongs.

    Glad to be back - Bruno LoGreco Master Life Coach & Author


    Monday, October 4, 2010

    Canadians think lunch is a luxury they don't have time for, says survey

    Canadians think lunch is a luxury they don't have time for, says survey: "Mississauga, ON - The majority of Canadians (85%) agree lunch is an important part of healthy eating, yet one-in-five (19%) Canadians don’t have time for lunch and skip it entirely, according to a recent Angus Reid survey for ConAgra Foods Canada. "

    Wednesday, September 29, 2010

    Self-awareness results in meaningful self-change

    Although self-change is challenging, it is not impossible. You may know many people that have changed certain areas in their lives. Some of these people may have been successful in keeping the change and some less successful. Some appeared to be truly happy with the change and others appeared to be still searching for more. So, what is the difference between the two groups: the group of people who sustain changes in their life and the group of people who return back to their old lifestyle?

    The major difference is the group who kept their change made a meaningful change in their life, whereas the other group made just a change in their life. To make change meaningful, it is important that you know what you want to change, why you want to change, and that YOU chose what it is you will change. It is also important you want to change for yourself and not for your loved ones or for external approval.

    Many people change themselves based on how others want them to be or to achieve a certain status in society. This type of change in not meaningful change; it has no personal meaning and will not give you the results you were hoping to achieve.

    So how can you make a meaningful change? The answer of course lies is self-awareness. You need to be aware of your core values and your core beliefs. Your values form the foundation for your behaviour and everything that you bring into your life. Your core beliefs determine your thoughts, decisions, and the emotions you experience.

    Have you tried to change something in your life only to make no progress or to sabotage the headway you have made? The answer to your failure likely lies in whether you know what drives your behaviour and if you know how your core beliefs affect the way you think and what you chose to change.

    Achieving permanent change will be difficult unless you become attentive to yourself and learn what is important to you, how you think, and what motivates you. To achieve permanent change you need to make personally meaningful change. Letting others decide or tell you what you need to change will not work and it will not make you happy. It is your job to decide what you want to improve in your life.

    Take the time to learn who you are. It is a good idea to participate in programs that concentrate on self-awareness. The professionals heading these programs will teach you what techniques to use and what emotions you need to pay attention to. The time you invest in yourself will help you create meaningful change in your life. It will help you make changes that stick and changes that bring positive outcomes in your life.

    Bruno LoGreco, Toronto Life Coach, Author & Television Personality

    Friday, September 10, 2010

    Follow your path

    What do you suppose you would be today if you did not have anybody telling you what you could and could not do while you were growing up? Where would you be today if you had your very own personal cheerleaders, as opposed to critics, during your teen years?

    While growing up, family and other authoritative figures, like coaches and teachers, play a big role in how we think about ourselves and who we become. The adults around us usually shape us into the people we become. Often times their insecurities and beliefs get transferred to us and we end up living a life with similar philosophies, similar achievements, and similar habits to the people we grew up around.

    As teens, many of us just accepted what we were told as the truth and we believed others knew what was best for us (not surprising since we often heard the words “I know best” from our elders). Being young, inexperienced, and confused about where we should go, others’ advice may even have been quite welcoming. More importantly, taking others' advice helped avoid confrontation.

    It didn’t take long however, to start wondering if there is more to life than the unfulfilling routine we fell into. To many of us, waking up, going to work that doesn’t make us happy, coming home, taking care of home responsibilities, and going to bed, only to wake up the next day and go through it all over again is extremely unsatisfactory. Most likely, this is the same path we saw our mothers and other adult role models travel. We now grew up and adapted their life philosophy.

    The good news is that there really is more to life than the routine we fell into. Life can be very fulfilling when we start paying attention to what makes us happy and what activities interest us. We were all born with a purpose in life that is meant to be fulfilled. To fulfill this purpose, however, we often have to leave the path we are currently on and step onto the path that was meant for us.

    Stepping onto our own path typically causes resistance from others. While they may be looking out for our best interest, they may not necessarily understand the inspiration guiding us. This inspiration, however, is the force leading us to a place where life is all that it can be. It is up to you to decide what path you want to travel and where you want to go.

    Bruno LoGreco Life Coach Toronto, Author & Television Personality

    Take that first step now

    Are you willing to take the first step today to get you closer to your ideal life?
    Many times we say that tomorrow is the perfect time to start working towards our goal, right after we get today’s chores and responsibilities out of the way.

    Unfortunately, tomorrow brings a new set of responsibilities and duties causing us to wait for the arrival of another tomorrow before we may start working towards our goal. Before we know it, 50 years pass by and we are still waiting for tomorrow to arrive so that we may start working towards our dreams and hopes.

    Does this sound familiar? Have you ever waited for the freshness of a new day to come so you may start working towards success only to find the new day is never quite “fresh” enough to start working towards fulfilling your dreams?

    One of the most common issues people face is taking action. Reading self-development literature, watching videos, and talking to others interested in self-help will only take you so far. Knowing how to fulfill your goals will not fulfill your goals. Taking action today (not waiting for a ‘right’ kind of tomorrow), will bring you closer to your dreams and will eventually guide you to your ideal life.

    The best way to take action is to first plan out what you want to achieve and the steps you want to take each day to move yourself closer to success. Having a clear outline set out before you will let you know exactly what you need to do each day and it will allow you to measure your progress. Having day to day plans also simplifies your goal. Vague plans tend to appear intimidating and are more likely to be put off. Daily plans will also make it easier for you to be accountable to yourself for not completing today’s step.

    Although today may not feel right to begin working towards your new goal you will find that no day will be ‘right enough’ to take the steps to bring you closer to your ideal life. Don’t worry about today not being the perfect day. Instead, focus on the perfection of how it will feel when you achieve your dreams. This will encourage you to take the first step today.

    Bruno LoGreco, Toronto Life Coach, Author & Television Personality

    Limiting thoughts lead to a limiting reality

    What do you think about from day to day? Researchers say that we have about 60 000 thoughts per day. 90% of these thoughts are repeat thoughts from the day before! This fascinating result suggests that many of our thoughts are habitual. Most likely, we are not even aware of what we are thinking and as a result we are unable to detect patterns in our thoughts. For example, if you do not think you are smart enough to present a new solution to your boss at work today, chances are you will not think you are smart enough to solve a complicated problem tomorrow, or smart enough to create a new business, and so on. Unfortunately, many people are not aware of their day to day thoughts and eventually start to believe their thoughts are facts.

    If you are to make any sort of change in our life, you first must clean up any thoughts that decrease your chances of success. Without changing your thoughts you cannot become who you want to be. You are literally able to do and become anything you want, if you are willing to open your mind and accept new positive facts about yourselves and your abilities. Your potential is enormous, if only you are willing to let go of old beliefs and thoughts and start believing you are capable of anything you want. Decide who you want to be and let go of any thoughts that say otherwise. These thoughts are false beliefs and their only purpose is to hold you back from being who you want to be.

    Bruno LoGreco Life Coach Toronto, Author & Television Personality

    Thursday, September 9, 2010

    The emergence of talent: genius and precocity: newyorker.com

    “I felt like I’d stepped off a cliff and I didn’t know if the parachute was going to open. Nobody wants to waste their life, and I was doing well at the practice of law. I could have had a good career. And my parents were very proud of me—my dad was so proud of me. . . . It was crazy.”
    The emergence of talent: genius and precocity: newyorker.com

    Tuesday, September 7, 2010

    The inferiority complex: Measuring up to societal standards can be expensive

    Despite the fact that many of us are quick to compare ourselves to societal standards many of us don’t realize how often we think poorly of ourselves or of what this can cost us.

    Many of us suffer from feelings of inferiority in many areas of our lives. Whether we compare ourselves on our ability to speak multiple languages, our fitness level, our level of attractiveness, our ability to sing, our ability as a parent, or our ability to do our job, it appears that we can never quite measure up to others.

    Although it is true that there are individuals (and sometimes a long list of individuals) who are better than us, feelings of inferiority do not originate from facts or objective information. Feelings of inferiority originate from our personal conclusions regarding facts. Our feelings of inferiority come from self-evaluation based, not on our own standards, but on society’s ever-changing norms. Many of us believe that we need to and should measure up to society’s norm, though hardly any of us actually do.

    The bigger issue is that we have a hard time separating society’s norms from our personal norms or ideals. In fact, the majority of us no longer bother forming our own norms and ideals but accept societal norms as our own measure of what a person should be. As a result, we are destined to feel a lifetime of negative feelings because of our perceived inadequacy.

    More importantly, feelings of inadequacy can be expensive as they serve as a barrier to our success and happiness. When we feel like we do not measure up to the person we believe we should be, often times we’ll believe we do not deserve or can’t achieve happiness or success.

    To improve our level of happiness we must understand that we, just like everyone else, are unique with unique skills and talents. The ideal person defined by society is non-existent, fake, and often times shallow. When we fully apply our true selves we rise above this petty standard and we demonstrate the enormous amount of good we have to offer to our community and the world. When we, however, belittle ourselves because of societal norms we hold ourselves back from living to our full potential and from fulfilling our life person. This lack of achievement and progress brings us unhappiness and feelings of failure, reinforcing our feelings of inferiority.

    To make the most of our experiences in life it is time to create our own norms and our own ideals we can use for self-evaluation. By doing this we set realistic standards with personal meaning. This process will allow us to eliminate feelings of inferiority that are caused from unachievable standards. The process will also allow us to express ourselves, our strengths, and our skills. It will help us to become the person we were meant to be while being blessed with joy, love, and success.

    Bruno LoGreco Life Coach Toronto, Author & Television Personality


    Thursday, August 26, 2010

    A to Z-hava - Style By Jury

    Newly divorced Zahava doesn't want to grow up and take responsibility for her life. On her own for the first time in years, and headed for '40' it's time for this pink haired rebel dressed mom to get serious and re-invent herself. In this episode Zahava goes from being laughed at to definitely getting the last laugh.

    Part 1

    Part II

    Part III

    Part IV

    Bruno LoGreco Professional Life Coach Toronto, Author & Television Personality

    Thursday, August 19, 2010

    Wipeout self-defeating & self-sabotaging false beliefs

    Are you tired from doing nothing but lounging at home and surfing the Internet hoping to find the perfect thing for you to do; that “perfect” something where you will feel like you fit in and feel comfortable to be yourself? Staying home alone and doing nothing except surfing the Internet is a sure way for you to feel detached from the real world. You might be surfing the Internet for a very long time before you find that “perfect” something.

    Trying to find where you fit in over the Internet and not in the real world is making matters worse. Stop making excuses for why you can’t do something in the real world because subconsciously each excuse adds greater value onto a developing self-defeating and self-sabotaging belief system. Find where you fit in within the real world. You could start from where you are at right now - in your home.

    Actions speak louder than words.

    Behavior and self-esteem have a direct correlation. Even the best intentions succumb to low self-esteem because of those underlying false belief which sound like “I’m not good enough” “no one will talk to me” “I’m not attractive” “I suck” “I’m over qualified” the list of excuses are endless – Those excuses are the foundation to Pyramids of Failure as described in: Polishing The Diamond Within – A Guide To Self Confidence. The subconscious has a large role in determining how you behave. So it is important for you to change what you believe about yourself.

    Wipeout self-defeating & self-sabotaging false beliefs
    1. Review Pyramids Of Failure.
    2. Make a list of excuses you often use to avoid to doing something.
    3. Next to each excuse answer: Why can’t I?
    4. Prove each answer with facts. Ask yourself: Is my answer fact or assumption?
    5. Add facts to every assumption by actively participating in an activity away from a computer screen.

    Boost your self-esteem by changing what you believe about yourself and your abilities. When you replace assumptions with facts you start to develop a healthy sense of self-worth as you become an active participant in life. Get Up and Out to prove your assumption with facts.

    Bruno LoGreco Professional Life Coach, Author & Television Personality


    Sunday, August 8, 2010

    Polishing The Diamond Within - A Guide To Self Confidence

    Self confidence is the foundation for success. Everything you are and everything you do depends on your self esteem. Your sense of worth forms the basis of your inner stability, your outer personality; and fuels your performances. Self confidence is not about beating your own drum or trumpeting your supremacy to the world. It is a quiet strength that comes from self-acceptance and inner contentment.

    Self confidence:

    • defines your self-worth

    • provides a positive outlook on life and yourself

    • defines how you acknowledge your inner strengths and weaknesses.

    • provides the ability to accept the reality of your circumstances

    • provides the courage to face your challenges

    • proves your suitability for life’s tasks and situations.

    • provides the foundation for happiness, well-being, and success.

    • makes you more attractive to yourself and others

    • makes you a better partner, lover and friend

    To build your confidence you first have to know yourself. That process involves taking a thorough and honest look within to acknowledge the strengths humility may prevent you from accepting, and the faults that humiliation might prevent you from admitting. Self awareness is the only path that can lead to your desired success and beyond. Without it you are simply tilting at windmills following a quest that is both delusional and ineffective.

    Sign-up for my newsletter at www.brunologreco.com and be among the first to read: Polishing The Diamond Within - A Guide To Self Confidence when its released.

    Author: Bruno LoGreco Professional Life Coach, Keynote Speaker & Television Personality


    Friday, August 6, 2010

    Back To School - 3 Steps To Reduce Stress and Frustration

    Its that time of year again. Back To School! The commercials started airing already this past week and soon mom’s, dad’s and children will be running and hopping, back and forth looking like chickens with their head cut off trying to get everything ready at the last minute. Don’t wait until the end of the month to get everything you need ready for the start of a new school year. Now is a good time to plan for it.

    A few minutes today could save you hours tomorrow. Back to School doesn't have to be stressful. You can make it smooth and seamless for everyone in your family.

    Here are 3 steps to reduce stress and anxiety and to help you plan for the start of a brand new school year.
    1. Make a list of school supplies needed
    • Binders
    • Paper
    • Pens
    • Calculator
    • School uniform / clothing
    • Etc.
    2. Make a list of responsibilities
    • Include both personal and professional
    • Round trips to and from school
    • Sports / after school activities
    • Personal health and wellbeing
    • Family Leisure activities
    3. Schedule priorities on a calendar
    • Shopping for school supplies
    • Shopping for school uniforms / clothing
    • Responsibilities – personal & professional
    • Personal well being

    There is no reason for you to feel stress and frustration come September. Take a few minutes from your busy day and look ahead at the upcoming month and plan for success. It will be one less thing for you to worry about in September. The best part about planning is you create time for yourself so that you could take care of you too.

    Bruno LoGreco Professional Life Coach, Author & Television Personality


    Saturday, July 31, 2010

    Discover The Diamond Within - Behind The Illusion

    Here I am. I disappeared for a little bit. I am taking a break from blogging to enjoy the summer season. The weather has been incredibly nice this summer and I am taking advantage of it. As I look at the calendar, tomorrow is the beginning of August and soon “Back To School” commercials will dominate the airwaves. So before it’s all over and I myself return to school, I want to enjoy every moment of it while I can.

    Just last week I released the latest edition of my newsletter. Within it I talk about the projects I am working on for this upcoming Fall. The project that has me most excited, besides pursuing a degree in psychology, I am finally launching Discover The Diamond Within – Behind The Illusion. The workshop I’ve been working on for a few years. Sign up for my newsletter by visiting my website at: www.brunologreco.com

    Discover The Diamond Within – Behind The Illusion is designed to increase awareness and to unveil and accept the true person behind the illusion – rather than the person we so badly want others to see. Everyone will leave feeling confident when answering, “Who Am I?”
    Here is just a taste of the self-discovery participants will embark upon when they attend:

    • Self Awareness
    • Self-limiting and defeating beliefs
    • Negative behavior patterns
    • Free Will
    • Dissolve Shame
    • Self-Acceptance
    • Core Values
    • Self-Identity

    The best part about the workshop is that I designed it to be motivating and inspiring. I use mindfulness techniques to enchant and enlighten participants, along with music and visual arts to evoke emotions and to reinforce awareness and understanding. I even created a workbook for everyone to take home to practice what they learn. It’s jammed packed with stories and ideas that will unlock the unconscious mind to Discover The Diamond Within.

    COMING OCTOBER 16th, 2010.

    By: Bruno LoGreco Professional Life Coach, Author & Television Personality

    Saturday, July 10, 2010

    Do you REALLY have power to influence control?

    Expectation do nothing but destroy relationships. Let go of your expectations and accept people for who they are and you will develop long lasting relationships. Try to control your relationships with expectations and you will find yourself feeling hurt, angry and even disrespected.

    1. Make a list of people in your life.
    2. Next to each person make another list of what you expect from the individual.
    For each person you listed with an expectation answer the following question:
    1. Why do you feel entitled to expect that of this person?
    2. What power do you have over this person to influence this control?
    3. What benefit do you get from trying to control this person?
    4. What benefit will you get if you let go of the need to control this person?

    1. Do you recognize any behavioural patterns?
    2. Does anything surprise you?
    3. Is letting go of control a development area for you?

    Bruno LoGreco life coach, toronto mentor & author

    Thursday, June 24, 2010

    Self-Confidence - How Well Do You Know Yourself?

    Self-Confidence is a state of being. It is a feeling of certainty about your abilities, decisions and judgment. It comes from within you and nobody else could give it to you. Its knowing who you are and what you stand for. It is a combination of morals, ethics, values and strengths.

    How well do you know yourself?

    Bruno LoGreco professional life coach, author and motivational speaker

    Wednesday, June 23, 2010

    Right Now

    Right now is all that matters. Yesterday is gone and tomorrow will only be as good as you make it at this moment. What you do right now could change your future. Take the first step towards the things you want and I guarantee you will get it. Do nothing, and today will look a lot like yesterday. ~Bruno LoGreco

    Monday, June 21, 2010


    Commitment is a state of being. It is dedication and follow-through of an action or task to conclusion irrespective of the outcome. It is the act of scheduling time to execute the commitment to completion. It is an obligation you owe to yourself which will lead you to ultimate success.

    Bruno LoGreco Professional Life Coach, Author & Television Personality


    Friday, June 18, 2010

    Opportunity Knocks

    Opportunity is everywhere. If you focus on your goals and have a direction just look carefully and you will find opportunity in abundance but, if you have nothing happening and lack direction you won't see opportunity even if smacks you in the head. Bruno LoGreco, toronto life coach, motivational speaker


    Wednesday, June 16, 2010

    GET UP and LIVE your LIFE

    Complete your life with more than just a career and family. Ignite the flame in your marriage by doing something romantic with your partner. Take-up a hobby and learn something new. Add physical activity into your daily routine. Don't just sit there and do nothing anymore - GET UP and LIVE your life!


    Monday, June 14, 2010

    SWITCH To Your True Self

    What am I doing? I am sipping on coffee asking myself, who will benefit from SWITCH To Your True Self -- which is the workshop I am launching this coming September?

    The workshop is designed for anyone who wants to discover his or her authentic self but is afraid of what they will discover. They have illusions that distort what the future looks like. They fear how other might perceive them and strive to live-up to social, cultural and religious norms, which conflict with there true self.

    It is for those who want to change their self-defeating and limiting behavior. For those who lack confidence and self-esteem because they feel worthless and insignificant. These kinds of false beliefs keep them captive within a small box – one that they built for themselves so they can feel safe and could predict most outcomes.

    It is also for those who lack direction and don’t know which way to go next. They feel stuck, unhappy and face a lot of uncertainty and they also believe they have little if any success at all.

    In a nutshell SWITCH To Your True Self is for anyone who has a desire to discover the true meaning of life. To live the life they were born to live. Becoming one with self without limitations or judgment – It is for those who dare to live a Happy and Fulfilled Life.

    Bruno LoGreco Professional Life Coach, Author & Television Personality


    Monday, June 7, 2010

    "I am not good enough"

    Giving up on tasks, which seem difficult and that pose a potential failure, will only develop a false sense of self while reinforcing negative, self-defeating behaviors. It is these behaviors, which are at the root of most perceived failures and regret in life.

    Ask yourself, Why did I give up? Did I find the task too difficult, was it out of my comfort zone, maybe I lacked the skill set to achieve it successfully. What did I tell myself so it would be okay to give-up?

    When you give-up on tasks regardless of the reason, what you are doing is accepting defeat and confirming the underlying belief, “I am not good enough.” This false sense of self, albeit untrue, will limit the amount of success you will achieve in life.

    But nobody wants to feel inadequate so there will be a need to prove to yourself and to others that you are "good enough", and you do that by over compensating and doing more of what’s within your comfort zone almost all the time, reproducing a similar outcome every time. To make matters worse, over compensating in hopes of feeling like you are “good enough” only leads to further frustration and disappointment because the proof that you’re seeking from others seldom arrives, leaving you forever feeling inadequate – simply “not good enough.”

    What’s worse is that you don’t know what “good enough” even looks like. How can someone get something if they don’t know what it looks like? The bar you’re striving for is impossible to achieve because it is illusionary – it’s nonexistent. So it is an imaginary bar that’s then used to determine your capabilities - what you can and cannot accomplish, what you are and are not qualified to do, and whether or not you have the necessary skill set to try something new (which in itself represents change, uncertainty and the potential for failure).

    Unfortunately, it is this kind of mindset, which misses out on many opportunities. It is also this mindset that will have many regrets throughout life, especially for the things that you wish you had done.

    Accepting defeat without trying is failing. So stop wasting your time seeking what you will never get from others and use that energy on tasks you will wish you had.

    Bruno LoGreco Professional Life Coach, Author & Television Personality


    Saturday, June 5, 2010

    A Post About Nothing - Care to read it?

    Did you ever write about nothing? What I mean by that is rather than planning what you will write you just start writing the first thing that pops into your mind. Sometimes I get the urge to write but I don’t always want to write about personal development or life coaching techniques. I also enjoy writing bout nothing.

    Oddly enough when I do write posts about nothing, more often than not when I finish writing they turn into something. The message may not always be clear but it doesn’t always need to be.

    Writing is a source of expression, it is a form of art. When I first started to write/blog I was judgmental about the output and I would try to refine and edit the article before publishing it. But not long after I realized that I could write anything that pops into mind because it is a form of art and my way of seeing the world.

    The world is an ambiguous place so I feel my messages also need to be ambiguous sometimes. Different strokes for different folks – everyone sees the world in the way they see it. Although I might believe I am writing about nothing a reader might find something within the nothing. So really, who am I to say that this post is really about nothing?

    My mind is now drawing a blank. There is nothing left for me to say about this post about nothing. I am curious, though, what did you get from this post?

    Bruno LoGreco Professional Life Coach, Author & Television Personality


    Tuesday, June 1, 2010

    The formula to suffice the burning desire to succeed

    Working towards a goal is something most of us do regularly. We just don’t realize it most of the time because there is a level of desire. So we are not conscious of the amount of work that goes into it even if it’s a substantial amount.

    Going to work everyday is a goal not in our conscious mind because we established the goal the first day we started our job. The goal: Get to work on time. Then based on the length of time it takes to travel to work from home is factored into the amount of time it takes to get ready and to tend to any other personal responsibilities, which are also goals. Based on this information you develop a plan and perform according to it. The reward is a bi-weekly or monthly paycheck.

    We’ve even established long-term goals – goals that take up to two to three years to achieve. Do you remember when you got your drivers license? I remember when I got mine, twenty days after I turned age 16. A significant amount of planning took place before I turned 16 – the legal age to drive, then. From the first time I drove a car to when I was fully licensed took about 2 years. How long did you prepare before you got your license, how bad did you want it?

    What about first time homebuyers, are they goal oriented? You bet they are. They know exactly how much they can afford with expenses and how long it will take to save for a down payment. They then save and track their progress until they reach their goal. The reward is a new home.

    So why can’t we take the same formula and apply it to the things we dream about – our passions? The answer, because it comes down to how badly we want it – do we have a burning desire for it? Without your bi-weekly or monthly paycheck, where would you be, would you be able to survive? What does a driver’s license represent to teenagers, why are most of us successful at obtaining it? How about first time homebuyers who didn’t have a penny in savings before planning to buy a home and now own a home?

    The formula is easy:

    1. Set a goal - Be realistic and make sure you have a burning desire. Passions and dreams are realistic – winning the lottery is not.

    2. Commitment – Just like the commitment you have for your fulltime job you must be equally committed to your goal.

    3. Natural talent and skills – Everyone is talented and has one or two natural skills. Using your natural talent to achieve your goal will make your life so much easier in more ways than you can ever imagine.

    4. Determine the timeframe - Do your research and determine how long it will take you to save, learn, or to get into the new career you dream of.

    5. Plan for success. I am not talking about a detailed business plan either. It could be as simple as a road map with directions from point a to point b. Similar to how you become a lead before you’re a manger before you’re director to perhaps vice president – if that is your goal.

    6. The more you give the more you get – Be nice to others and share some of your wealth because if you do you will get even more.

    Bruno LoGreco Life Coach, Toronto Mentor & Motivational Speaker


    Tuesday, May 25, 2010

    Life gets boring when you confine it to a box

    Life gets boring when you confine it to a box. I have never been one to conform to any box but most recently I went looking for myself, oddly enough I found me in a box.

    There was a time when I did not edit my writing. I just wrote whatever flowed. Grammar is a weakness so checking for grammar is kind useless when you really don’t know what you’re looking for. Accepting grammar as my weakness allowed me to express myself without judgment. Yeah, I’ve panicked a number of times after reading an older post and realizing the amount of incorrect words, grammatical errors and more, but at least I was able to get my message out and that to me is a creative expression – without limitations – nothing stopping you for authentically expressing yourself.

    I’ve been very committed and focused with my life coaching practice. 4 years ago when I decided to become a professional life coach, I knew I had to take the leap of faith and to never look back. I was 100% confident and certain this was my life path. From that moment it was my mission to succeed. The one and only thing I knew going into this was the true definition of success: "To start and to finish what you set off to do." How could I ever give up?

    Bogging in the beginning I used so I could dump whatever thought I had at that moment. Anything from personal development workshops, Ideas, emotions, life coaching tools, my personal journey - anything that popped into mind at that moment is what I’d write about. It wasn’t linked to www.brunologreco.com, not at first. I wasn’t sure if I was okay with potential clients reading my chicken scratch. My writing skills improved over the years just like any other skill - if you practice it enough sooner or later you get better at it, and so I linked it to my website.

    But more than potential clients are reading this blog, it is being read by others who might be interested in a life coach for other reasons. Production companies seeking a life coach to appear on a television show, producers needing to fill airtime for radio – schools looking for a student mentor – and for many more reasons.

    So for many more reasons I started to believe at some point that I should only put out quality posts with substance. That I should check my grammar and if I’m not qualified to check it then hire someone who is. I should make sure I finish a thought and tie everything together. I should follow a format and stick to it. I should…

    So today I decided to cut the box open and to write whatever comes to mind without any limitations and not care about who might be reading it. Although now that I am close to the end of the post – which I will not edit, I see there is a purpose to it, possibly many.

    Friday, May 21, 2010

    I can't see the forrest for the trees - How will I ever find my life path?

    Finding your life path is much easier when you have a life coach to support you. They know how to keep you focused, committed and on target even when you can’t see the forest through the trees.

    Daily life is confusing and frustrating enough without having to know how to navigate through thick bush in order to find your life path. With so much happening everyday in your life already – responsibilities, career, social and family matters, by the time you sit down at the end of the day there isn’t enough time or energy left in you to whack bushes to go and find it.

    Life Coaches are trained to see what you cannot see. Locating the center of the circle when you are in it is difficult. A life coach can look into your circle and pinpoint the center for you with ease because they can see the things that blind you. They see the self imposed limitation and false beliefs – the illusions stopping you from moving forward in a direction that serves you best.

    Coaches support and guide you as you discover your true identity. They have tools to help identify your core values, your strengths and weaknesses. The very skills you will need to become successful in both your professional and personal lives.
    They help develop your self-awareness - the ability to choose between positive and negative behavior - How to express emotions without the burden of shame, and how to get the things you want by being assertive - not aggressive.

    Life Coaches are inspirational and motivating, they know how to boost your confidence and self-esteem - how to make you feel good about yourself even when nobody else seems to understand whom you are.

    The benefits of life coaching are endless. You don’t have to go through another day trying to see the forest through the trees especially when you can’t see through the tall bush right before you. Your life path is a lot closer than you believe it is and working with a life coach can put you on that path in just a few sessions.

    Bruno LoGreco, life coach, toronto mentor & motivational speaker


    Monday, May 17, 2010

    A blue Day - Self Coaching

    I need a venue to speak aloud at. I feel a bit shaken today. After many weeks and months of feeling on top of my game working towards my goals and accomplishing quite a bit - I am feeling blue. I don’t know anyone who can stay on top of his or her game for 365 days without coming down to check on the valley from time-to-time.

    Coming down and spending a day in the valley isn’t such a bad thing. Typically I let myself go through it. I don’t try to talk myself into being stronger or busying myself with useless tasks. I allow whatever I am feeling go through its process without my interference. But when I am down for two days it means I need to take a look at what is happening in my life and reevaluate it.

    Having the ability to probe into your life and to identify what is bothering you and putting it in its compartment will ensure it doesn’t spill over into other aspect of your life. Its a form of self life coaching. You take the appropriate measure to address the issue and move on without causing a disturbance. It isn’t as much fun as it is to create a big to do about nothing, which typically is what we do.

    Now that I have the root cause in view, I could see why I feel blue. At least now I have a smile on my face. I want to be upset but I know I can’t because I remember making a consciously choice to my current day situation. I knew then that this day might arrive. I did plan to avoid this day but it hasn’t happened yet – but it will and hopefully soon.

    I needed to see it with my own two eyes – not just in my minds eye.

    Sunday, May 16, 2010

    Greyson Chance Singing Paparazzi

    A new star is born...

    Bruno LoGreco life coach, toronto mentor & motivational speaker

    Thursday, May 13, 2010

    A burning desire to find the secret

    I keep saying how much I love life and how beautiful it is. I’ve always believed that life is extraordinary even from childhood. I knew then that one day I would discover the secret to life and soar all the way to the top – meaning that I will be the best at whatever I do and from it I will live the life I dream. What I didn’t know was that I already knew the secret.

    I spent a lot of time roaming hallways when I worked in the corporate world. I couldn’t fathom the idea of working for a company until I was 65 so I could enjoy my senior years in retirement. It just didn’t make any sense to me, so I’d roam the hallways thinking of ways to work for myself. I thought of everything I could possibly imagine. I read book after book hoping to find something interesting enough for me to get excited - something that would utilize my existing skills. Every book turned up empty. In fact I knew most of what I read – It was common sense to me.

    If you believe something for long enough it eventually becomes reality. I believed life is extraordinary from the get-go so I am not surprised that I am in love with life. Even during my days of conflict I still had hope in me. I am grateful I did because here I am today armed with a wealth of knowledge and with the secret.

    I had a burning desire to find the secret and to use it to my advantage. I knew my success would depend largely on my commitment so I never lost sight of what I was looking for. Although it was right there the entire time I couldn’t see it because I didn’t believe it was possible for me to know it already.

    I also believe nothing good ever comes easy because if it did we would take it for granted and not appreciate it. I knew the secret for a very long time and because I didn’t have to work for it it wasn’t valuable enough for me to use.

    Life takes on a whole new meaning when you apply the secret to it. Everything changes right before your eyes – obstacles turn into stimulation and ideas turn into a burning desire.

    Bruno LoGreco, life coach, toronto mentor & motivational speaker

    Sunday, May 9, 2010

    Transmute The Creative Killer - The Negative Chatter in Our Mind

    Are you one of those people that believe you don’t have a single ounce of creativity in you? If you believe that you are not creative and that you don’t draw or paint or something like that - essentially what you are saying is, I trust and believe my negative thinking – it serves me well. Are you sure that is what you want to believe?

    We are all creative in some way or another. Creativity is not confined to just artsy stuff. It's a lot more than the traditional things we typically associate to creativity but we are blocked from seeing it because of the chatter in our mind.

    The chatter in our mind stops the creative juice from flowing. Everything stays the same when this happens and we can’t see anything more than we’ve been conditioned to see. Everyday will start to look a lot like yesterday, and inspiration will get harder to come by. And if there isn’t anything to inspire and to look forward to then all that’s left to preoccupy our time is chatter.

    But what if we could turn off the chatter even if for just a moment, what could we see? Perhaps, we would see a world where everything is what it’s meant to be. No limitations, only our true intentions. We would be free to laugh and to play, to run and to scream “ice cream” or maybe climb a tree, but whatever it is we’d be unafraid of what may be. Freedom of choice and freedom of expression even today in some places is taken away. But we, here, surrender it to nothing more than the chatter. How can this be?

    Creativity is our source of expression. It expresses who we are from the inside – our stamp of authenticity. If only we took care of who we are from the inside as much as we took care of the image we project on the outside, then maybe we wouldn’t believe all the nonsense we hear and would be free to express our true intentions.

    Creativity is a choice. We can choose to believe we are not creative and let tomorrow look a lot like today - missing out on life’s precious moments, or we can choose to believe we are creative and experience all those special moments – like the ones that hit us square over the head with a blast of inspiration.

    Turn off the chatter because everyone is creative. The life we dream is just on the other side of it. Let the creative juice flow again.

    Bruno LoGreco life coach, toronto mentor & motivational speaker


    Friday, April 30, 2010

    “Aha! I tricked you into believing you're not good enough..."

    “Aha! I tricked you. I tricked you into believing that you’re not good enough and that you don’t have what it takes to make it. And you fell for it! Aha!!!”

    Doesn’t that sound silly - the idea of someone else tricking you into believing that you are not good enough and that you will never make it? Sounds silly, right?

    How much of what you believe about yourself comes from you? These are beliefs you developed through personal experience through age and maturity and from just knowing yourself – your guiding principles? How much of what you believe about yourself is largely based from what people have told you, cultural and religious beliefs and from other sources other than your own?

    Getting tricked into believing you are something you’re not isn’t so far fetched. I asked 10 female clients during their consultation to answer “Who am I?” 50% responded with “I don’t know” 40% identified themselves to a role and label and only 10% identified to core values and personal attributes. Of the 50% who were unsure of whom they were, 100% were comfortable identifying with a role and label. And 100% - everyone in the study, identified to at least 1 label that wasn’t of their own accord. When asked to answer “why do I believe this about myself” 100% answered, “because that’s what I was told I am.

    Getting tricked into believing something about you isn’t difficult. Any uncertainly or a slight bit of insecurity in your life and the enquiring mind will feel frustrated and confused and will seek an answer. More often than not any answer will satisfy the frustration including the wrong one. And if you are in search of answers you just might believe the wrong thing about who you really are.

    Bruno LoGreco, life coach, toronto mentor & motivational speaker


    Ten Powerful Self-Coaching Tips

    By Bruno LoGreco

    Are you living the life of creativity and happiness that you've always dreamed of, or are you allowing your fears or other outside factors to influence you?

    Following the path that your heart's desires requires courage and might require a shift in attitude. There are several methods you can use to act as your own life coach and start working toward the life you dream of.

    Ideas for self-improvement

    You don't need to change every aspect of your life at once in order to improve your attitude and outlook on life. Self-improvement can feel daunting if you try to change everything at once.

    A good way to embark on your journey of self-coaching is to make one change and see what kind of impact it has upon your life. The following tips are designed to help you improve your life and become your own life coach. Try out one of the following tips at a time to positively impact your attitude and daily life.

    1. Find some ‘you' time. Everyone needs time alone to meditate and recharge. You may think you don't have extra time in your day. Start with 10-20 minutes to use for meditation or silent reflection.

    2. Ask yourself what you truly want in life. Are you living your life according to your true dreams and desires? You may be unaware of your desires that lie hidden beneath your surface needs and wants, so take the time to find out.

    3. Write everything down. Even if your thought seems silly, write it down! You may be surprised by the inspiration and ideas you can come up with.

    4. Journal daily, but with a twist. Instead of just writing about today, try writing about yesterday.

    5. Keep track of the "happy moments." Each day has potential for many small moments that bring joy and happiness. If you don't make a special note of them, you may not even recognize the small joys in your day.

    6. Choose one task each night to complete the next day. This way, you have focus, and you accomplish at least one task. Tasking and taxing yourself with effort is important in reaching goals.

    7. Smile when you wake up. Smiling is contagious. By smiling you improve your mood and can potentially improve someone else's day as well.

    8. Give thanks each night. Gratitude will improve your outlook on life and help you see all the good and wonderful moments of your day.

    9. Try something new. A new experience fuels creativity and your enjoyment of the day.

    10. Create at least one memorable moment each day. Make each day unforgettable, even if in a small way!

    Taking the next step with a life coach

    Self-coaching tips are great ideas for helping you improve your life. However, you can take your life to the next level with a life coach and mentor. A professional life coach can help you set goals and help you move forward with your dreams. If you're looking for the right path toward happiness, a life coach can help you discover the path your heart truly desires.

    Want to learn more about self-improvement? Bruno LoGreco is a Life Coach Toronto and mentor. Visit BrunoLoGreco.com and find out how to unleash your potential for success and happiness.

    The Success Indicators on Your Life Path

    Many people seek out a particular goal in their life path and are content when they achieve it. The chance to broaden their horizons or learn new things within an existent structure is not as appealing to them as it is to some others. This is an issue that arises in many individuals because they mistakenly think they have achieved what they wanted to in their lives. The plethora of environmental noise around them begins to infringe upon their goals and forces them to lose sight of what they truly wanted.

    A good way to think of this problem is to envision a large square box. This is not just any box though. Rather, in this case, your box has been divided into three separate, but equally shaped rectangular boxes, all stacked on top of one another. Each of these rectangular boxes is a highly important expression of your life goals -- individual levels of success. Within each of these levels of success is an indicator that tells you how close you are to becoming successful in this area of your life.

    Every area of your life that you identify as a potential path for success can be further divided, containing the many different events and obstacles you will encounter as you strive to reach your goals. Think of each sector of your life as being divided even further, with three new sections within one of the three stacked boxes (sectors). Within each stacked box are three separate sections, divided by dotted lines that make up the life path you will follow. These dotted lines are not the same as the solid lines dividing the sectors -- they are a path that you have envisioned since childhood -- a series of goals and pathways to success that you want to follow.

    As young people, these life paths may not be fully formed. Or they might be crystal clear in our minds--long, straight life paths from the early days of college and adult living to the ultimate goal of success that you have always strived for. You can see exactly what you need to do to reach each success indicator and achieve what you have set out to accomplish. And you probably did just this. After all, your goals as a youth were to be successful in the same way that you saw thousands of others live their lives. You wanted to reach your success indicators and experience the measure of success by which you would measure you life for decades to come.

    However, nothing is ever as simple as we envision it during youth. There are countless factors that interfere with your ability to clearly see those success indicators and life paths to success. These factors, or "Environmental Noise," can be detrimental to even the most focused of individuals. Think of what would happen if you dumped the contents of downtown New York into your box and tried to maintain your focus on those goals. Would you even be able to see your life path anymore?

    Everyone must travel their life path with environmental noise inundating them from all sides. It begins to become cloudy. The dotted lines, our life paths, begin to look like the straight lines and the success indicators start to be confused with any number of different distractions.

    And then something will happen and you will realize that you are in fact nowhere near the original success indicators you set for yourself. Everything has changed and yet you are stuck in a way. You are deep within the center of the middle rectangular box and you have no idea which way to go or how to get back on track. The noise only grows louder and you grow dizzy trying to regain your focus.

    It is in this instant that you must clear the noise and return to the basic, almost instinctive mode of thought you experienced as a child. What did you want from life? Where did you want to go? What do you need to get to that point? What was my life path? All of these questions must be asked without the distractions of the world around you muddying up your thought process. When you can revert to a very simple perspective of the world and only spend time thinking of what you want from life, you can be that much more successful.

    You can succeed in life despite the environmental noise, cruising down your life paths and moving through your rectangles with ease, but oftentimes you need a helping hand to clear away the noise and look at life with fresh eyes. There is nothing wrong with asking for help to weed out these distractions and remove the clutter from your life sectors with a professional life coach.

    Is your life path inundated with environmental noise? Learn how you can lift the noise and begin reestablishing your success indicators today. Visit www.brunologreco.com a Life Coach Toronto today.


    Top 10 Benefits to Journaling

    By Bruno Logreco

    There are countless reasons to maintaining a journal. The top ten benefits of journaling may differ from person to person. However, there seems to be general themes that are attractive in the collective unconscious. Many people are looking to daily entries of their personal experiences to reap some of the following rewards.

    Maintaining a journal is a natural way to exercise the brain. People who make regular entries are taking time to develop writing and communication skills that are very valuable in everyday interactions. This mental exercise also helps to allow your thoughts to flow freely.

    Creativity is a second benefit to consider. This is an important aspect of journaling. The right hemisphere of the brain is associated with visual, imaginative and intuitive facets of thought. When you take time to write, you free the right hemisphere. The ideal entry will be one that puts the inner editor on hold. Thoughts and ideas should flow freely and naturally.

    The uninhibited nature of this form of writing serves a third benefit of developing self awareness. People often create different faces to meet various circumstances. We tend to recreate in distinct situations including the work environment, the community and even when at home.

    The process of keeping a journal helps you recognize the various aspects of your unique personality. The growing self awareness is a powerful force that can lead to even greater benefits in the future. Gaining insight into the self is among the most important aspects to maintaining a journal.

    The fourth benefit is the ability to set priorities. Once you get a grasp on the thoughts and emotions that are filtered through your personal experience, you begin to gain control of them. The process eventually leads to a greater understanding of what is and what is not important.

    The ability to re-see the past is another great benefit of keeping a journal. The pages can be revisited with a fresh perspective. It can be very surprising how much your understanding of an event changes over a relatively short period of time. Some writers find great moments of epiphany when rethinking and rereading entries.

    Journaling is a fantastic problem-solving resource. The approach of using entries to come up with various solutions to troubles is a little different than approaches for self awareness and growth. Many people choose temporary brainstorming techniques that serve to give viable solutions to problems.

    The seventh benefit of journaling is variety. You can choose what kind of entries you want to make. Common choices include brainstorming sessions, automatic writing and reflective notes. Personal journal entries can be made upon inspiration, when you first wake or right before you fall asleep. Some choose to do a combination of these.

    Purging is the eighth benefit to this practice. Many people find it helpful to place negative thoughts and feelings down on paper. Once the negative energy is placed on the page, they are free to let it go. This practice also works well when dealing with anger towards another individual. Purge the negativity and work towards a constructive approach.

    The ability to communicate with others is another benefit of keeping a journal. Those who work with life coaches can find a wealth of resources for sessions. Journaling can help you tap into your fears and dreams, helping your coach gain insight through entries that you choose to share.

    The tenth benefit is improvement in your overall health. Journaling reduces stress. It provides time for you to meditate. The process helps to make the positive forces in your life surface and it helps to bring the harmful elements into light. The result of personal journaling is a new perspective on how you can take control of many aspects of your life.

    Want to learn how online journaling can help you reach goals and problem solve? Learn more about life coach Toronto at brunologreco.com and journaling at iijournal.

    Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Bruno_Logreco