Did you know something MAGICAL happens when you write your goals?
Early this morning I surfed over to iijournal.com to make a journal entry. iijournal.com is an online private and secure journal that I created for my clients originally, but later decided to make it public, available for anybody to use. It needs some work, a facelift – In the next few months iijournal.com will go through a transformation. Watch for it!
Back to goal writing – Something magical happen when you write your goals. This morning I logged into iijournal.com to update and write new goals. I was not surprised to learn I had already achieved a few goals that were not on my top 10 list. iijournal.com allows you to write 25 goals in each of the following categories: Career, Health, Material, and Spiritual/Romance. From the list of 100 goals, you could select your top 10 and add multiple tasks to each goal. As you complete your tasks, iijournal.com tells you how close you are to achieving your goal. Pretty neat tool, but it does need a little work in terms of navigation.
It truly is amazing what happens when you write your goals and periodically check to see how you are tracking towards achieving those goals. It’s like magic right before your eyes - with little to no effort you achieve your goals. I have to go back and find the article I read about how the brain operates when goals are written. Something to do with the subconscious and how information is stored in our brains - subconsciously we set the ball in motion to accomplish the tasks required to achieve our written goals when we write them somewhere. Maybe that's why the most successful people in the world all write their goals. Did you know that?
Everybody is different and different people have different ways of writing their goals. For myself, I like to write my short (less than 1 year) and long (greater than 1 year) goals in iijournal, including all the tasks I think I would need to work on before I could achieve my goal. I’m hit and miss with a “To-Do-List”, although I do recommend you also create a nightly To-Do-List, especially if you are a procrastinator. They say when you create a nightly to-do-list before going to sleep, while you are sleeping your brain will begin processing the tasks that require your attention the following day. When you rise and begin your day, you will automatically with no conscious thought work towards completing those tasks. It’s magic - or is it untapped brain power?
Why don’t you try it? Go ahead and write your goals somewhere. Buy a journal and dedicated the first few pages for your goals, or create an account at www.iijournal.com and start creating the life you want and dare dream of.
I've never tried the before-bed list trick. I think I might do that!
U have to help me with that.....
Found this post very helpful. I keep a journal already, so the idea of setting goals in categories is interesting. The only difficulty I have is prioritizing a number of areas which have to be kept up to date at the same time.
i agree bruno, i usually work with lists too although at the moment they're still pretty short term ones of thing needing doing each day... still lacking the focus to look further forward at the moment, but i'm getting there ;-)
keep well...
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