Why do so many of us seek self-improvement? Why do we have a need to improve upon our overall behavior and to become better individuals? Is it because we see others on a similar journey and wish for the same? Or is it mankind natural development to fulfill the need for purpose, love, continual growth, and fulfillment?
Are we naturally programmed physiologically to fulfill a need? If so why is it so unnatural and difficult for many of us to fulfill this need? Why is it difficult to make the necessary life changes? We know we must do something to change our way to gain a better perspective on life but we simply don’t know how. Most of us have a basic understanding of what it will take to make a life change: Identify the problem, create a solution (plan), and stick to it. And if we think positive we are more likely to succeed. But something always happens along the way. We get distracted and focus our attention onto something else and forget about the plan. We forgot that we even tried and whatever lessons that came with it. And without any real explanation as to “why”, we sweep the problem under the rug, to be forgotten. And if we should get questioned by anyone; defend and makeup excuses to why its impossible to make a change.
So is it really mankind’s “natural development?” If it is, it sure is very difficult to achieve. Or so we may think. Maybe it is simpler than we believe and we just aren’t aware how to develop it…
Happiness is, love and success. However, everyone’s interpretation of happiness is different. Some of us interpret happiness a feeling of contentment or a sense of confidence; some of us interpret it as achieving a level of success, which comes with status, material wealth and gain. For others it will be for being grateful for life. And to a very small minority it will be for the Love of Life, the gift, which is shared. Any one of us could arrive to any one of those interpretations. It is based upon our internal belief system – what we believe about ourselves, and life. If we believe happiness comes from the external world, then at any moment something can make us happy and by the same token it can also make us sad. If we believe we will only be happy once we achieve success as defined by “status” we might have to work hard before we experience it, but we will definitely need to pray to never lose it. But when we have passion within our soul, happiness flows like harmony and it will never leave us.
Passion, purpose, love, growth, and fulfillment - Every need we have originates from within our soul. It is part of our physiological makeup. We all have the same opportunity to develop those needs, if we believed in, and valued those needs. We want to become better people, but not all of us are willing to put in the time to do the work to become better people. Living with passion, purpose, love and growth which leads to fulfillment begins only when we take a close and hard look into the mirror.
Where do I even begin?
It starts with us. When we begin to appreciate what we see when we look into the mirror and start to develop a relationship with our inner soul without distraction or self-judgment, that is when we will begin to learn who we really are and what we are meant to do. Our purpose is based upon our true identity. We can't have a purpose unless we know who we are and what makes us special. And Everyone is special or we wouldn't be here trying to serve a purpose.
Our identity determines our purpose and what we deem intellectually stimulating. When we learn about new things, which are congruent to our identity, we develop natural skills and become that much more effective at it. And because it is our identity – we don’t consume nearly as much energy living our purpose, it is second nature to us, and life becomes effortlessly. When life becomes effortlessly, we find love in everything. We become passionate about what we do, we grow as individuals and fulfill our need for fulfillment.
Life: "The capacity for growth, reproduction, functional activity and continual change preceding death."
Bruno LoGreco
Life Coach & Mentor
Get a life! You need one with Love, Growth & Fulfillment. Here's how: