Four days to Christmas and I'm all done. The presents are wrapped, biscotti’s are in the oven, and I’m taking a short break to tell you all about it.
If you would have asked me what kind of month December was going to be at the beginning of November, I would have probably answered with, “A bad month” and that was before I learned the depth of the recession the world would be in.
Successful life coaches motivate and support clients with guidance and solid advice, but smart and successful life coaches heed their own advice and lead by example. I knew I had to do something to generate another source of revenue in order to keep the roof over my head, to drive my car and pay for my insurance, among other expenses until January when clients return.
My guesstimate for how many clients I anticipated for December was incorrect. I miss-guessed by a few. I am thankful that I was wrong in my guesstimate because it pushed me to find another talent, a passion that I could use to generate a new source of income to supplement my coaching income. After two weeks of tracking all the tasks I execute everyday and rated each task for success and love, I discovered I have another passion. My new passion compliments my existing passion for helping others.
I guess it’s a good time to share with you that there is no more pet company. Unfortunately hero+destiny will never see a grand opening, or not one I will be involved in. And, the consulting company I started after leaving my professional career from a fortune 500 company - its gone too. So, just like many other people I had to start all over again. I had to start all over, on my own with no money and only with experience, knowledge and passion. Last week as many of you already know I started a new company and posted a challenge - Make Money With No Money.
Only four days to Christmas and Christmas is starting to look jollier than ever. There are gifts under the tree, the aroma of freshly baked biscotti, and tree tips covered in snow. And for one of us, the news received just days before Christmas is a dream come true.

Hi there
I really appreciate how you share your life with us.
Hpoe you still gonna post though?
bruno, sorry to hear of the end of your two adventures but i trust you are looking forward to your 2009 and new goals. may you be super successful in your new adventures (:
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